
Why is ADHD considered so awful?
Tuesday, June 3, 2008

I just read an article at http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/24952514/ and it kind of annoys me. Okay, it is downright frustrating. Supposedly people with ADHD are less productive than people without it, or so the title would have you believe. When you really look at the study, it says that people with ADHD said they personally feel like there are times when they aren't as productive as other times. That has nothing to do with how productive they usually are.

I have actually been told by an employer that I worked too fast (they were billing the customer by the hour), and he was frustrated that he couldn't find any mistakes in my work to prove that I should slow down. I can't say that my ADHD doesn't ever bother me. I'm even taking medication to help me stay on task longer, since I usually would get bored before even finishing a web article. But the people who work with me now recognize that I stay busy, I work hard, and I am quite a bit more productive than the average person here.

I was reading a while back that Eliza Dushku and Joss both find Dollhouse to be a cure for their ADHD. It seems to be a pretty common thing in the entertainment industry, and it certainly doesn't seem to keep Joss from doing good work. I've run across it a lot in the game industry. Maybe that's part of why I picked that industry. I fit in there.


Thursday, June 5, 2008 9:59 AM


Oh, I know it exists. But I will not accept the idea that I am somehow less of a person because I have ADHD, no matter what people try to say. The problem is that people who don't think the way we do have no idea how to deal with us.

I don't do the hard sciences. I leave that for people who don't have ADHD. I understand those sciences, and I find them somewhat intriguing, but it's not my thing. I've noticed that people who enjoy those hard sciences don't enjoy the things I do, though. That's the thing I wish people understood. Just because I'm not perfectly suited for a particular thing doesn't mean I'm not good at anything.

The belief that anyone with ADHD should be medicated to the point that they're just like everyone else makes me angry, honestly. I'm making changes in my life to accommodate people who can't keep up with me. They should be willing to make changes too.

ADHD is not a disease. It's not a disability. It's a different way for the brain to work.

Wednesday, June 4, 2008 6:08 PM


So, what you're both saying is that when medicated, you're both fine and that means that there's nothing really bad about ADD/ADHD/etc. Do you not see the problem with that statement?


There's also a gigantic difference between perception and reality.

The fact of the matter is that people with ADHD/ADD/etc will have serious problems doing anything that requires a significant amount of focus for any length of time. Being able to manage to task-switching quickly is a very different thing that being able to stay on any given task for a length of time. Not being able to do the latter being the issue with ADD/ADHD/etc. Just try to do anything in Mathematics or the hard sciences not on your meds and see what happens.

I'll also point out that as a society North America has ADD/ADHD/etc. Don't believe me, just sit in a food court or otherwise watch people (teens are a great example) and see how often people get distracted by "shiny objects." So, saying that you're better than others, even when medicated, doesn't exactly say much. I for one, get exceedingly frustrated when talking to my parents because they have serious issues listening to anything that takes longer than a paragraph to explain.

This isn't about if something is or isn't a problem. ADHD/ADD/etc is a problem and there is a mountain of medical research telling us that. What it is about is recognizing that there is a problem, what it is, and finding ways to deal with it and/or work around it. if you guys have managed to do that, great. But, don't think for a second that because you've done that that the original problem no longer exists (or didn't exist in the first place).

Wednesday, June 4, 2008 9:00 AM


Oh I hear you..hey Idon't know how people without ADD teach. I love that I can semi-track 12 different things and not one of my bosses has ever complained that I don't get things done quickly. I get more done than 90% of people... that article is BS!!!

OK without my ritalin I might be less productive because I'm forgetful, but as long as I have my Palm Pilot and my meds I'm super productive ( ok posting on this during work belies that, but hey last day of school)



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