
Final Day of All School
Friday, May 23, 2008

I'm here on my last day of my Senior year of High School. It's somewhat depressing knowing you're going to be leaving everyone you know to go on with your lives and pursue intriguing careers. It's sad because you know you'll never see some people again. I don't want to lose touch with anyone, even though I know it's going to happen. I use myspace and I have most of my friends on there, but some don't have myspace or anything like that. I guess I will find some way to keep in touch, right? You have faith in me, don't you? lol. The only thing is that I wanted people to sign my yearbook and stuff you know, but the damn yearbooks haven't even come yet! So basically I have to come on my time off to get my yearbook. For now, I'm just having friends sign paper I photoshopped. Yeah, I'm smart. lol. I also brought a camera today so I'm having fun with that already.

So there was just an announcement over the intercom that I will be able to pick up my prom pictures today at lunch time. I really hope they turned out good. If they didn't, I will hate my life. lol. Just kidding, but I seriously hope they turn out right.

Anyway, as a graduation gift, my parents gave me a really nice laptop for gaming and such. I can't wait to get it hooked up to the internet and stuff. It's super nice. I couldn't believe they got it for me because they already bought me a car as a graduation gift. They must be proud... haha.

Well anyway, wish my luck in my college life and everything. I love you guys and I will see you around.




Saturday, May 24, 2008 12:00 PM


Oh yeah, I forgot... *throws a volley of toads*

Saturday, May 24, 2008 11:29 AM


*throws confetti into the air*

Saturday, May 24, 2008 12:54 AM


Way to go Brit! Brava!

I wish you all the luck happy things in the world ^_^

PS: ...and a major VVø؆ for the laptop!

Friday, May 23, 2008 4:42 AM


Congrats! It's a very big accomplishment! Good luck in your future!!


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