
my credentials
Saturday, February 16, 2008

just watched'serenity' again last night. i remember when it first showed in theatres. i wasn't familiar with any of the actors, but i'm a big sci-fi/fantasy fan and wouldn't miss it. there's just not that much sci-fi being put out. loved it! i kept turning to my companions asking 'who are these people? where did this come from?' in a dazed and happy voice. then some friends told me about 'firefly'. haven't had tv for 6 yrs or so (didn't have electricity with which to run the thing!.

well, recently that changed. so i've finally had the opportunity to watch the 'firefly' series on dvd. what a delight! the acting is top-notch, the special effects are good, the setting is believable and well-conceived, the people are folk that most of us can relate to without being too predictable, and the writing is amazing: intelligent and very funny. very few films/shows make me laugh out loud like this one. the outtakes (a particular fetish of mine) for the movie had me giggling like an idiot- a very happy idiot.

apparently i'm not alone in my ardent -if belated- admiration. the story behind this quirky sci-fi has only added to it's charm for me and i'm sorry i wasn't in the mix when it was all going down. it is a rare and beautiful thing for story telling to touch so many in the way this has.

as a writer and performer- in various medium and genre- i'm thrilled to see someone do their art so well, in a way that speaks so intimately to me. and the 'firefly' and 'serenity' projects involve several of these someones. fabulous job, one and all!

i'm somewhat sad that i've seen all there is to see of it now. all there is to see so far anyway...

oh- and i'm new here. hear?


Saturday, February 16, 2008 5:37 PM


Welcome Calleaghn! Just like you I found 'here' by seeing the movie first (uh, on cable - it never came to the teeny tiny town I live in) THEN the show - and I completely relate to the feelings of 'guilt/sadness' that I hadn't been there to support this marvelous concept from the start. Have a nice long look around, others will be along to say hello and offer gifts of strawberries and virtual browncoats! Enjoy.


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2008 February