
Front Row Center Podcast #19
Friday, January 18, 2008

For anybody who may have missed it, this week's episode of Front Row Center is a doozy: 90-some minutes of us discussing the best and worst movies of 2007. It's a fun episode, to say the least. It's also a bit of a turning point for us, as we're now trying to get the word out about this show like never before.


There's the link to our homepage, with the latest episode at the top of the page.

Feedback would be greatly appreciated (especially since we've yet to receive ANY).

Any film students or film-savvy people out there, we're looking for reviews to current flicks, stuff we might miss each week. So if anyone wants to record a short review, we'll gladly run it on our show. We're looking for this show to be a forum for the film culture out there, this show is for you, by people like you.

So give us a listen!



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