
Man oh my what a couple of days
Monday, November 26, 2007

I am never suprised by how the terrain can go from go to bad in such short order.

I have finished University for the year *insert fireworks here*. But i have to register for my courses for next year and i sent off a draft list of the courses i thought i might take to the coordinator and recieved a simple response of 'Come see me at 11am Wednesday" Ai ya.

Also a mate of mine from High school died in a Car crash on Sunday. I spent last night down at the local watering hole comforting my mates.

Also yesterday my dad's favourite foal went through a fence got tangled up and copped a massive shock from the electric fence. Is now off to the Vets along with my heart broken father who is no doubt hoping to save the foal. But it doesn't look too good.

Also on a side note i wont go into specifics as to why (no it aint another one of those cases) but punching a priest in the face how likely is that to create bad Karma. Because the piece of Go Se if a father to someone i care for deeply. In fact i gave her the title of Boa Bei and he infuriates the hell out of me with his wun gwo pee attitude. Ahh never mind i guess it's most likely that everything else is getting to me just a little bit.

On a slightly happier note i am writing again.


Wednesday, November 28, 2007 1:51 PM


Thanks MSB

I'm glad for all the kindnesses I've received from friends and Browncoats alike .

Well as an update the Foal didn't make it, as it turns out the foal suffered spinal injuries. I helped my Old man bury it yesterday just on dusk. It was a tough moment. But the old man Looked up to me and said 'I'm proud of ya Dan you're a good kid and i don't say it enough'. I know my parents love me but it was a big boost to her that from him.

I'm just focusing on get on with it now. I'm feeling alot better. My mother and Brother return from Bali today in a matter of hours (jet lagged as all get out no doubt). It'll be good to have the house full again.

Wednesday, November 28, 2007 4:56 AM


HUGS wow not your week is it sweety...hang in there it'll get better. I hope the poor foal is ok. It's hard to lose a horse.


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