
19 on Friday!
Tuesday, November 13, 2007

It's my birthday on Friday and I'll be 19! How I've looked forward to this day for such a long time. Finally being an adult. Even though you are legally an adult at 18, you can't really have... *fun* until you're 19. (hip, responsible fun!) My sister and I are getting massages on the Saturday, because we both work on Friday, but I have this one special request.

I know it's impossible, but I would love to meet Sean Maher. Or at least get an autograph. LOL. it's my ULTIMATE Birthday wish. He's such a talented actor.

Dear Buddha,

Please bring me Sean Maher, a pony and a plastic rocket.




Wednesday, November 14, 2007 4:57 PM


Happy Birthday Shamrock!

My birthday's on the 16th too, I'll be forhrmph*cough* years old - and someone else in my local Browncoat group has our birthday as well. We'll be bad role models and toast you at karaoke this weekend - raise a glass for us if you like!

Tuesday, November 13, 2007 4:53 PM


Haha, well my birthday TECHNICALLY isn't until Friday, however I will party every day until then! I live in Canada, so drinky drinky! Thanks for the early wishes though. And you're welcome on the comments. You write great stuff!

Tuesday, November 13, 2007 2:59 PM


Happy birthday! 19 seems so long ago...cause it was! Now if you are Canadian you can drink all the beer you want anywhere in the country. Thanks for still reading and commenting on my fanfics. If I could beam Sean Maher to your birthday party I would, but alas, my powers have limits. Have a great day.

Tuesday, November 13, 2007 2:18 PM


Haha, clearly not 19. (sorry!) But hey that's cool. I WILL be 19, but I sure as hell don't act it. LOL.

Tuesday, November 13, 2007 2:10 PM


I've decided to be 19 on my birthday too, cos it sounds fun. I was born in January, 1968 but don't tell anyone (and don't do any math) and I'll get away with my cunning "19" plan.


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