
Why Jayne?
Wednesday, October 24, 2007

I have had several people ask me why I chose to write my first fan-fic with Jayne as the central character, and portray him as sort of a dark hero. I prefer the term 'anti-hero', to be honest, but that's me.
The character of Jayne is the least known, other than that of Book, and in Post BDM fanfics Book isn't easy to write about, since he's, um, dead.
The simple fact is that I love a good mystery right along with a good ass kickin', lol. I can't help myself, there's just nothing so cool as unraveling a tale where you only know a little bit about it at the start.
Another reason is just because I like Jayne. He's honest about who and what he is, rare in any 'verse, including this one. He cares nothing at all for what others think of him, and places his family above all else.
And, finally, we are all a product of our environment. What makes us what we are is a culmination of our own life experiences. So what did it take to make Jayne? How many times might he have been betrayed to make him the callous, uncaring, self-centered person he seems to be?
True, other characters may seem more attractive, and easier to write about, but who wants easy, right? Well, okay, easy is good sometimes, but writing is supposed to be a challenge, and making Jayne into a good guy is one hell of a challenge you gotta admit.
So that's why Jayne. In a nutshell. Be glad to hear what you think, and which character you think has the most potential for great fan fic.
And long live Firefly!


Wednesday, October 24, 2007 5:00 AM


I think you've done a good job with all the characters. I'm not much of a Rayne shipper, but your storylines are action packed and your OCs are not Marysued. I've read ahead over at and I have to tell you, I love what Mal names the new ship. No spoilers here, though.

And "Reynold's Shipping" has a great ring to it!
Thanks for writing. A first one... hard to believe.

Wednesday, October 24, 2007 4:58 AM


Plus he's really hot... sorry just felt that needed to be said:)

Wednesday, October 24, 2007 4:46 AM


I just loved it that you're doing Jayne as central to the story! Jayne is my fav character followed by Mal. All you said about Jayne concurs with my thoughts--- i also think that he has even more hidden than what you have descibed so far. Its hard to believe that people could travel around the verse experiencing so much more than us and remain simple (so he's only acting like a simpleton). There were years between the Banshee Squadron and crewing with Mal to account for.>HINT< I'm really enjoying this! :)

Wednesday, October 24, 2007 2:28 AM


If it makes you feel good, I really like to read stories about Jayne (while wearing my Jayne hat). They make my day. Nothing better then a good Jayne story for me!


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