
A razor with 5 blades?!
Monday, July 23, 2007

Today I received a Gillette Fusion razor in the mail which sports 5 shiny razor blades. Back when they created the 3 bladed version I thought it was a bit much. Then they trotted out the Quattro a few years back which struck me as overkill. But now 5 blades, this is insanity! How deep do they think we need to cut?

I switched to an electric last year so I won't be getting much use out of the promo they sent me. Maybe I'll try it when I need a touch up.

This whole thing reminds me of a sketch from either SNL or MadTV. The parody involves the latest razor which has something on the order of 15 blades. The culmination is that anyone who uses it shaves themselves down to the bone. When I saw the sketch several years ago it struck me as way over the top but now I'm starting to wonder...


Tuesday, July 24, 2007 4:51 PM


Oh, yes! I remember that fake SNL ad from years ago. Still waiting for them razor people to come out with it so I can laugh real hard.

Monday, July 23, 2007 7:25 PM


Funny you should post this, and I should see it today.

Long, long ago, I went from two blades to three (Christmas gift), and noticed a slight improvement. That newfangled swivel head took some getting used to!

Three days ago, I ran out of triple blades, and FINALLY opened my four-blade sample that I got in the mail, back... When did the four-blade razor come out?

Anyhoo... four is definitely too many for me. I'm stopping at three. SNORT!

Monday, July 23, 2007 7:14 PM


The quentipiomaga, with 15 blades of added comfort!


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