
Serenity RPG-Good Will and BIG DAMN HEROS pt 1
Monday, July 16, 2007

The heist is being put off for a couple of sessions til a couple of our key crew members can get back to us. In the meantime we were stuck on Persephone without a job thus without cash. Rez used his friends in high places to get 3 tickets to shindig. He, Captain and Jeb(our browncoat/cook) got all fancied up and went to the ball. Unfortunately, they weren't completely up to par on their dress because a couple of times they got mistaken for the help before they met their contact, a pretentious double-sashed LORD Kingsley. He wanted to test their cleverness and said if they wanted the job, they'd have to hit one of the other lords present.

Jeb, using his kitchenary skills and the fact that he looked so much like the help, commandeered a tray from one of the servers, swept it around to the aforementioned target and "spilled" the tray all over the guy, knocking him down in the process.

Lord Kingsley was impressed enough to intone "DEELICIOUSSS" as the fallen lord struggled to get his footing. Jeb apologized while managing to make the mess worse and squash the pansy's arm. LOL! He got the job for us.

It turned out to be a moonshine run to Athens in a little town called Clayton. We couldn't meet our contact until nightfall so Doc leans on Goose's religiousity and asks if she would like to help him make some "GOOD WILL" visits in town, offer up some free doctoring and the like. Goose takes him up on it, grabs her shotgun and escorts him to the only public gatherin' spot we can locate, the town saloon. Doc Cain McGregor makes a great impression inviting folks to the Scirocco to get patched up and they do show up, three main patients, most all have a vitamin deficiency issue and them as waits outside have Goose praying with them and encouraging the Lord's good Word. Doc fixes a diviated septum on a toddler and rebreaks and resets a leg on another patient, the whole time getting grumbles from the town parson who thinks that people wouldn't get sick if they believed more, but Goose is of the notion that God wouldn't give us doctors and cures 'less they're meant to be used so the parson doesn't give us any trouble other than grumbling and we send Doc's patients back hopeful

Along just before dark, one of the men who was helping carry patients comes back saying his friend with the vitamin defiency was already looking better, and he offers up a couple of skinned rabbits as recompense, which Jeb is glad to add to our larder. Our resident sneaky guy, Silas decides to check this guy's motives and asks him a few questions, which leads him to realize we couldn't have met a nicer guy in the whole 'verse.

Meanwhile Captain, Silas, Rez and Jeb all head out for the shine retrieval.
More later!!!



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