
I'm ashamed
Sunday, May 13, 2007

So I'm on the phone with my fiance this afternoon. (Three weeks. Can you believe it?) And she's stumbling around the web (via Stumble.com).

So she finds this weird picture, and sends it to me so that we can discuss it. So I'm looking at it, and it's got several good guys on the left, and several bad guys on the right, with the Death Star in the upper right corner. She doesn't quite get the picture, so I explain that it's a good vs. evil kind of thing. I mention that the Death Star should have given it away, and she says, "What?"

Now I'm thinking that she must just not see it clearly. So I tell her where to look, and she say, "That moon looking thing?"

I decide to give her the benefit of a doubt, since it's not easy to tell, until she asks, "So what's the Death Star off of?"

Ok. Maybe she's only seen Star Wars once or twice when she was young. No big deal. Until she tells me that SHE'S NEVER SEEN THE WHOLE THING!!

No I'm wondering how this never came up, and why am I marrying you again? She's comes back with, "Well, my family's not big on Sci-Fi, and I do love Firefly, I really do." And trust me, she does, cause it never would have gone this far if she didn't.

But I am truly ashamed to call myself a geek right now because my fiance, the woman i am about to marry, has never seen all of Star Wars (the original. I don't blame her for not watching the new ones).

Needless to say, I intend to correct this issue within the first week of our marriage.


Monday, May 14, 2007 5:18 AM


Well what are you waiting for...get that woman the box set

Monday, May 14, 2007 12:50 AM


Oh and congratulations! :)

Monday, May 14, 2007 12:49 AM


Hehehe... just shows that theres still things you don't know about the ones you know best. Isn't it nice that she can still surprise you? :)

Sunday, May 13, 2007 9:07 PM


Actually? I can sympathize quit a bit with your fiancee, Draconus. Not in the "haven't seen Star Wars all the way through" way, but in the "haven't seen a massive pop culture reference source and now in-jokes are going over my head" way. Never fun:(

Still...remember to be gentle with her when she finally sees the thing. Cuz much as I love the original trilogy of Star Wars...I have to admit "Firefly" is a bit more quality-intensive when it comes to dialogue and characters;)


Sunday, May 13, 2007 8:34 PM


Isn't it amazing how that can happen?

I'm a part of a group called the Society for Creative Anachronism (kinda like Ren fair folk with a wider time frame and organized in kingdoms...) Anyway, Monty Python's "Holy Grail" is huge with these folks. I mean HUGE. Many have it memorized. But there was a woman who gained the rank of QUEEN in one of the kingdoms. Someone made a Holy Grail reference at court. She didn't get it. It turns out she had never - let me repeat that - NEVER seen ANYTHING Python. People were stunned and horrified.


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