
SATs are comin' up- *&!#!!!
Wednesday, May 2, 2007

Saturday marks my last day with a soul- clearly, the SATs' are designed to drain the victims willpower until it may suck out your soul through that damned signature and turn you into a mindless corporate zombie if you ain't careful.
Just took SIX WEEKS worth of SAT prep at school... well, each Wednesday, at least. And throughout all of this, I have learned ONE very important thing:
The folks who come up with this thing are absolute bastards. For example:
Antecedent. No, this ain't a sub-species of aregeno, it's an actual word, which you just happen to HAVE to know. Yeah.
So far, all I can do is replay "I Wish I had an Angel", by Nightwish... over and over again and again and again and again...
One thing I know- don't stress. Cuz that's how they get your soul!



Sunday, May 6, 2007 8:38 PM


Probably shouldn't mention that as a Canadian, I never had to take the SAT unless I wanted to attend an American college or university, eh Danny?


Still...I know you'll do fine and blow the test out of the water. Just relax, take cleansing breaths and remember: no power in the 'Verse can stop ya!


Thursday, May 3, 2007 9:40 AM


Wow, wonder if the SATs have gotten harder since I took them? I heard they make them harder on a pretty regular basis. Try not to stress too much, though. Most of it is, after all, supposed to be stuff you learn in high school. They give you plenty of time, too, from what I remember. I was there like all day.
I understand the panic, though. Best of luck!

Thursday, May 3, 2007 5:25 AM


Hang in there and I'm sure you'll do fine:)


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