
My discovery of FireFly.
Wednesday, May 2, 2007

This deffinetly isn't the greatest tale I've heard... or infact the best written, but it's true. What more would you want?

So... here it is. How I came across firefly:

I have only just fell in love with FireFly... now I know what you're thinking, 'Where's she been all this time?' , 'Better late than never.' and my personal favourite ' How does she know what I'm thinking?' But don't worry I can explain and whether it's a good excuse or not, that's up to you but it's all I have.

So... I first found out about FireFly from my sister when the DVD's had just came out. At this point I was actually quite a bit younger so I had next to no cash to go to the cinema with friends let alone buy a boxset of DVD's, so since I could not follow up this new found curiosity, FireFly soon drfited from my thoughts.

That was until Serenity came out! But even then, as I'd still never seen the series, I found watching the film slightly confusing with questions like 'Why is this girl so important?' , 'How did Simon and River get to be on the ship and why were they being thrown off now?' and 'Isn't Jayne a girls name?' running through my head. So even though the dialogue was good, the fight scenes were extraudinary (indeed that's what I remembered most about it later on) and the special effects were really quite special. I found I didn't have a relationship with the crew and didn't care if Wash or Book died. *gasp* 'Blahstphemy!' I know.

So again, although I did overall like the film, I let it fade from memory. But now (2 years later), thanks to a brilliant friend (well, most of the time), I love it as much as it deserves to be. It's only coincidence (or fate, it depends how you look on things) that I came across it again as my friend was only really mentioning it in passing as he was telling me about a particular series that he can watch over and over again called..... firefly? Instantly I recognised the name and asked to borrow it.

And, after using the puppy dogs eyes -that left in the wrong hands could be fatal- and some carefully practiced whinning, I had the discs in my DVD player and found by the second ep, after I'd orrigionally gotten over the initital shock of a space western and seeing Nathan in tight pants, I fell deeply and some what passionatly in love with the great show we have today. So much so, that after I'd finished the episodes in a week (I didn't want to rush them) I imidiatly bought Serenity and fell in love all over again and can now appreciate it of the fantastic film it is.

So now I'm a complete FireFly fan and I am waiting, some what unpatiently and wishing, for the time FireFly will grace our screens once again. Sometimes I feel quite positive about it happening, especially when I read some of the casts interviews and realise just how much they all loved working together but other times, when I hear news that FOX owns FireFly's rights for 10 years and such, I can't help but feel a little downhearted. Hopefully, however there will be no need to be.

How does that saying go again? Oh yeah As long as they keep flying, we'll keep watching. ... Isn't that the truth.


Sunday, May 6, 2007 8:26 PM


As long as you believe and believe hard...I don't think anyone around these parts will give you a hassle for not being in on the plan from the ground floor (i.e the original airing dates back in '02)



Thursday, May 3, 2007 6:20 AM


Thank you everyone. That was a really warm welcome! I hope to see you around the site.

Thursday, May 3, 2007 5:43 AM


Yeah, welcome.. the important thing is that firefly is great.. not when one discovered that fact..

Thursday, May 3, 2007 5:25 AM


Welcome and we're glad to have you

Thursday, May 3, 2007 1:58 AM


Welcome. Always great to have new-comers to the 'verse. Now hurry up and tell all... tell all of the phenomenon that is FF. Bring more....

*sobs* ...because I wont be able to live if the story doesn't continue. I need more... more.... more....

Wednesday, May 2, 2007 9:05 PM



Wednesday, May 2, 2007 2:44 PM


Welcome to the Shiniiest site on the net! Welcome, and be merry!
Eat, drink, chat- the 'Verse is your oyster!
Browncoats are the best of folks- if you've an open mind and a love of Firefly, you'll fit right in!



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2007 May