
University rocks. Apart from the 'working' part...
Sunday, April 22, 2007

The Easter holidays are officially over, as I have my first seminar today. I don't even know where it is, which could be bad. But never mind. Had to read some of Hamlet for it, so it's garenteed to be fun filled... not.

It's great to be back in my lal' flat, and even better now that I actually have food. Food is good. It helps all situations.

Still going pretty strong on my next fic - Job Satisfaction (and still need a beta, cough cough hint hint.) Of course progress is marred somewhat by the constant guilt that I should be revising.

I'm all for putting in the work outside of lectures and lessons - that's why I've always done so well in my exams. But this module - Historical Linguistics - he hasn't taught us a godamn thing and for some reason I just can't find the motivation knowing I have to teach myself the entire module.

I have just over a month, so I'd better buck up and stop writing fanfiction.


Oh dear god. I am so resitting.

Hope everyone is shiny



Monday, April 23, 2007 12:26 PM


It's msg, Chazzer! She can do pretty much anything!


I too probably should be revising for my Astro exam on Wednesday, but I just can't make myself study the pages of notes the prof made up to aid with studying:(

And depending on when you would want it back, I could take a look at "Job Satisfaction" for ya, Chazzer;)


Monday, April 23, 2007 8:55 AM


I'm confused. How did you beta something I haven't even sent you? :s


Monday, April 23, 2007 7:21 AM


Hey I just beta'd that one for you and it's been emailed back:) Hope it helped:)

Monday, April 23, 2007 2:44 AM


I'm technically back at uni today aswell but I haven't been to a single Media Studies tutorial so far, so I figure "why break the pattern now?" ;-)

I feel your pain about the re-sits, I have 3 exams this semester, and I already know I'm going to do badly. Exams and I are non-mixey things. Good luck to you though!

Monday, April 23, 2007 12:06 AM


Yeah I should start revision too but I seriously lack the motivation.

Anyway, good luck!


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