
Get Firefly/Serenity in Australia (Collectors Tin): Easy
Tuesday, March 13, 2007

I checked my first blog entry and an Australian said they had trouble finding Firefly.

I had no trouble at all. I went straight to:

I knew it would be tough trying to locate it in the stores so I opted for the online store (which I had bought from before). I got the discs & they're great!

I got the series for under AU$30 (I ordered a couple of other DVDs I wanted too so got free shipping, including serenity, which BTW is on sale in collectors tin for AU$17.93, cheaper than the non-tinned DVD, go figure!)

I also got the collectors tin, really nice.

So any Aussie browncoats that are finding it tough to locate the series on DVD, you can check there (or if you simply want the shiny tin).

But not much happening with me (hence looking at old entries), other than the realisation I need to update my iPod (it is embarassing, really).


Wednesday, March 14, 2007 5:32 AM


Hey getting Firefly is cause for celebration

Tuesday, March 13, 2007 9:59 PM


THANK YOU TrueBlue for posting that info! I've had no luck finding the DVDs in my local part of the country (Northern Eastern NSW)and thought I was gonna have to wait for the local store to order from O/S (no doubt at an inflated cost).

Tuesday, March 13, 2007 8:43 PM


I got my Serenity Collector's tin copy last year. It takes pride and place on my mantle. Right next to my Firefly tin copy (bought last year also, I now own the three differently boxed sets of the show).

They're rockin', but I take VERY special care of them. I have ths Sin City tin and it's scratched to the shathouse from lending it to friends. Thus, my Serenifly tin's go nowhere.
And Serenity tin is on sale? Might go get me some more copies!

You need to update you're ipod? I need to buy an ipod.


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