
Two months since I discovered Firefly
Friday, December 29, 2006

I downloaded Firefly (illegally) two months ago and fell in love completely. Since then I have bought the tv-series and the movie on DVD and they are all great.

Trying to fill the heartbreaking gap the cancellation created I even went and bought the comic and that one was not so great. I didn't like the graphics and the storytelling was off. I realize that it's almost impossible to translate a tv-episode/movie to a comic and tried to come up with examples that had been succesful in the past and could only come up with a couple of very good-looking issues of The X-files-comic (the ones about the first episodes) and a graphic novel made from the Alien-movie by Walt Simonson but that was all.

So I have to give Joss Whedon right when he says he only wants to continue the Firefly-saga together with the actors in some way. Without them the magic is gone.

(But I still love fan fiction... )


Wednesday, May 9, 2007 10:36 AM


Ikke her i Norge heller.

Wednesday, May 9, 2007 10:25 AM


Tackar! :) Vi är inte många skandinaver här (tror jag). Vad jag vet så visades aldrig Firefly i Sverige :(

Wednesday, May 9, 2007 10:18 AM


Oh jolly another scandinavian browncoat!! YAY!! Velkommen velkommen

Tuesday, January 9, 2007 10:21 AM


Thank you for being so nice :) People are incredibly sweet around here I must say. And thank you FollowMal so much for the virtual browncoat, I will wear it with pride.

Sunday, December 31, 2006 10:40 AM


Glad you said you bought the series and movie on DVD...cuz only saying you downloaded the series illegally? Might have ticked a few Original Browncoats;)

Still...I didn't mind the comics, but I thought they were too short:(


Saturday, December 30, 2006 12:33 PM


Yeah, it's exactly the way that I feel. I mean, comics are fine, and fan fiction is great, but it's the show, with the actors and Joss and the writers and everything that made it perfect. Welcome, and make yourself at home, you're among friends.

Saturday, December 30, 2006 5:02 AM


Welcome to our shiny crew, SwedishMystery.

We're glad you've joined us. :)

I agree with you about the actors being connected creating the magic. It took it all, the directors, the set, the writers and those actors to bring Firefly/Serenity alive. The total package is needed for more. Nothing else will do. Well, it'll do, and we'll take whatever we can get, but it won't resonate with us the way that show and movie did.

I hand out 'coats ( virtual, but still lovely) to new folks.

*hands SwedishMystery a virtual browncoat by way of welcome*

Talk often, we love to yack and make yourself to home!

Friday, December 29, 2006 11:22 AM


Hey glad to have you aboard!! HUGS


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