
converting even the most resistant
Saturday, November 25, 2006

Ever since I've become a 'Verse-obsessed Browncoat, my wife, a fan of nothing sci-fi, has politely put up with the time and money expenditures (since she's an English teacher, it's easy to get away with books...) but she's had no interest in watching FF or the BDM. Today she was out running errands with her mom (we're all heading off to NYC next week for a few days and need warm gear the likes you can't often find easily in central/south Florida) and I popped in the FF DVDs.

Anyway, she came home shortly near the end of "Serenity" and asked me if I was watching what she thought I was watching, since I caught almost every showing of the BDM on HBO lately, and I said no, I'm watching the actual series, and started up the Train Job episode before she realized it was a DVD that could easily be switched off.

We're eating dinner when I happen to notice her watching the show...glancing at first, and then actually watching it...laughing when Jayne goes down from the dope Simon gave him, gasping when Crow met the engine, and laughing again when Mal explains his POV to Niska Henchman #2. Seizing on the opportunity, I play Bushwacked as well, and she starts asking questions...I tell her about Kaylee and Simon, Simon and River, Wash and Zoe ("they're married? That'd never happen," she says)

And that's where we left off...but with a 25 hour train ride to NYC in the immediate future, and me controlling the portable DVD player, guess what I'll be having a marathon of :)


Saturday, November 25, 2006 7:11 PM


Finally wore here down, eh I2TB? Good on ya...just don't push to hard to get the rest of it into her brain;)



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2006 November