
Burn the Land and Boil the Sea...
Tuesday, November 21, 2006

Everybody I know hates the theme song to Firefly. I don't know what it is. Even people who like the show. I love that theme song, sometimes, I listen to it over and over, and watch the credits roll by. Sometimes, I play it on the ol' Lappy until I find something else to do. Sometimes, while my siblings are attacking me full out, to get the remote, I play it and sing it stoicly through clenched teeth. That actually happened once, actually. Anyway, I'm actually supposed to be talking about something else, but I totally zoned out on this beginning thing, and I have no idea what it was. Dang. I hate it when I do that. Just sit tight, and um, maybe it'll come back to me. Someday.


Monday, January 15, 2007 5:26 PM


I love it ! Always did ! It was one of

the things that really drew me in ;

made me know that this would be a show

that would be different !

I really recommend " Mal's Song " , which brilliantly incorporates some thematic elements from the Ballad of Serenity and expands on the original .

Wednesday, November 22, 2006 8:39 PM


Personally, I just wish it was longer. I have have only heard the official Joss-written, Sonny Rhodes-sung version and filks like the Bedlam Bards "Theme Song Parody" and a song that samples the "Ballad of Serenity" by Escape Key;)


Wednesday, November 22, 2006 3:20 AM


Hey, the theme still gives me a pleasant tingle in the spinal area. I find myself singing it as I walk around work, which happens to be a hospital, so hopefully they don't lock me in the "special" wing. I think the theme song is inspirational, not the cheesy synthesizer music one usually hears at the beginning of other shows.

So, tell the haters to shove it up their pee goo, you know, politely.

"Gettin' awful crowded in my sky."

Rob O.

Wednesday, November 22, 2006 1:46 AM


Both my children request it as their goodnight song.I think it's shiny.


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