
Dragon*Con Part III: Costumes, Shindigs, and Strawberries
Saturday, October 14, 2006

Saturday morning I actually woke up on time *gasp* (not wanting to of course since waking up is a task that I have yet to master but still it was on time). It was at about 7:30 am that I think I woke up, seeing as I had to be downstairs by 8:30 to meet up with other shiny folks for the parade, and I wanted to have time to shower and not rush to get down there (cause I’m ususally I’m late for everything, and I mean everything). Seems like I need not have gotten down early or even on time since we didn’t leave until about 9:30ish. S’ok though, gave me lots of time to take pics and hang with my fellow browncoats. J There was a mal dressed in the dress and floral bonnet from Our Mrs. Reynolds (that was a GREAT costume), a few very nice River costumes, plenty of shiny Kaylees (including myself), Trsitan as Mal (and guys, if you haven’t seen Tristan’s Mal costume…go see it now, cause it rocked! AND he made it all himself! From the coat to the suspenders to the boots! Way shiny), a couple Zoes, some Washes (with my fav as our wonderful pilot with the infamous stake through his chest), and then there was the awesome person dressed up as the “Not Mandatory” woman from the Fruity Oaty Bars commercial, octopus busting out of blouse right then and there. lol.

The parade got started late too. After we trekked over to the start of the parade, we waited….and waited…and, uh…waited some more! It was ok though. Again, had some fun hanging with my favorite ‘Coats until it did start. And once it did? I was so psyched! I walked along, my pink parasol twirling in the air, a big Kaylee smile on my face. Oh, and before the parade, someone had handed out some bags of candy to us (also had a little dino in it for wash, ain’t that cute??) so I threw the candy to the little kids or the really enthusiastic fans in the crowd (kept the dino for myself though, cute little dino guy). As we started walking along, Cedric of the Bedlam Bards (nice guy him, met him several times during the con) struck up a tune! During the course of the parade, we sung a couple choruses of “Hero of Canton,” “The Firefly Theme,” “The Ballad of Joss,” and a couple other songs. It rocked, really added to the whole thing. Thanks Cedric!! But alas, the parade ended too soon…really! It was sooo short, but it WAS worth the getting up early and waiting and waiting and waiting and walking and walking some more…lol, no really it was. I had so much fun. Afterwards, everyone who was in the parade got a colorful water bottle if they wanted it, so that was cool. It was as I and my dad were walking back to our hotel after the parade that I saw Nicolas Brendon (Xander from Buffy) but I shrugged it off and said, “nah!” Oh how little I know about conventions…lol. It turns out that it was him, as I found out later. Aw well…

So thusly, I headed back to my room in the mighty fortress of Hyatt-tude. I waited for a bit and then headed down to meet Washie and hang. Me and her went and shopped in one of the dealer rooms (where I got a shiny Kaylee badge) and then headed up to Nicolas Brendon panel (yes, and this is how I knew it was him in the hall after the parade). That was really fun to watch. He’s a real sweetie, and at the end of the panel he actually did the “snoopy dance”!!! (click here to see Nick do the snoopy dance:

or http://s4.photobucket.com:80/player.swf?refURL=photobucket.com/videos/search/DragonCon//&file=vid4.photobucket.com/albums/y103/Navygrrl/DragonCon/100_0102.fl ) Oh and he also said the wicca line that he sang in the musical episode of Buffy (In the “I’ve got a theory” song) in one take. Was cool!

Next came BDH Panel #2. Good panel, but not as good as the first. None of the panels were as good as the first one. In this panel, I asked Alan, “In Jaynestown, Wash says that he wants to go to the crappy planet where he’s a hero. If he did have a crappy planet all his own, what would you want him to be famous for?” Alan answered that he’d be famous for reenacting people juggling geese with shadow puppets. Hee hee.

Next and last were the Wash Wake and the Shindig. The Wash Wake was held in a con suite and, to me, was actually somewhat of a let down. Besides the great eulogy speech that Alan came by and did (very very very awesome), and besides the donation table/Wash and Book shrine thing (which was actually very nice, complete with a memorial stone made by a talented browncoat) there wasn’t much. They had some food (not great stuff) and there were some firefly clips playing with the sound down, but other than that, the room was crowded and just wasn’t super great. It was still cool to go though. Oh, and before I left, I took out my little green t-rex that I had gotten for the parade and put him under a bigger green t-rex (his father figure :P) J

So, after the wake, I went out with Washie, TheRealMe, Nevis, Christinue, and RiverIsMyGoddess for some Chinese across the street. I didn’t have anything, but it was fun just talking with them and hanging out. So, after that I headed over to the Shindig early in my Kaylee costume (the costume contest was at the beginning of the Shindig, so I brought a party dress with me to change into after) and waited for it to start. I caught a glimpse of the line, which went around several corners and a few halls. I’m very glad I didn’t have to wait in that thing…I know that Christinue, ILoveFirefly (my little brother), LightMeDark, TheRealMe, Lissa, Jadehand, both Serenitys, Citizen, Cozen, Ash, and I know a few others (but I can’t remember their names…) came to the Shindig too, ‘cause I saw them and hung out with them. Washie came to the Shindig as well and was dressed in a beautiful lilac dress with pretty flowers in her hair. It was shiny.

So, at the start of the SEBC Shindig was the costume contest! There were tons of shiny costumes. Taking them all in, the whole crew was there, quadrupled at least! Like I said, I dressed as Kaylee, complete with parasol and strawberry box J And guess what was in the strawberry box… *grins* yep, that’s right. Strawberries! *licks lips* I decided that at the end of my turn in the contest to show off my costume, I’d eat a strawberry just like Kaylee. It was quite a hit *grins again* mm mmm. The person announcing each contestant said as I picked my strawberry up, “Uh oh, it’s about to get R-Rated.” Hehe. I didn’t win the contest, but it was still super shiny to participate, and the person who did win first place had this amazing costume…It was a Serenity costume…the ship!!! Complete with blinking lights, it was awesome!!! Really, I don’t think anyone was going to beat that.

After that, I changed into my dress (I lurved my dress, all sparkly and blue) and went back into the Shindig. Shortly after, Washie and I decided to see if the Buffy Prom was any good…it wasn’t…lol, so we walked across the hotel, up a couple floors, into the prom hall, looked around, looked at each other, then walked back down a couple floors, back across the hotel, and back into the Shindig. Yep…shindig gooooood. We came back in time to hear the Bedlam Bards play their music too!! It was extra shiny. Danced some, smiled lots, had so much fun with all my browncoat friends…During one of their songs (“Sail the Sky”) we all swayed, arms around each other’s shoulders. I actually can’t hear that song now without thinking about that moment and how much I miss D*C and them. I stayed out until about 3 am and then went back to my room and slept…well, first my rents gave me grief for not getting back earlier, and told me that my little bro had been brought to their room by…get this…hotel security…*hits forhead* the boy can’t get up to the room from the elevators? Sigh. Well, it was most definitely a great day. Very very awesome.


Monday, October 16, 2006 5:16 AM


Wow...that sounds like quite the day!

Oh...by the way, the links to Nick's Snoopy Dance vids don't seem to work right:(



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2006 October