
Home Again
Monday, August 14, 2006

Well, im back after a week of vacation. Spent much of that week sitting in a moat outside the town of Visby piss drunk and singing songs (amongst them a couple of special ones about some Big Damn Heroes, espically a certain theme and also a little song about the hero of canton).

Also, I quit smoking as soon as I came home (Almost 18 hours ago now) and im already climbing the walls and screaming at my roomies (hopefully its just the drawback and not one of those pesky possessions).

Anyway, life feels a little bit suckier then usual now, got the post-vacation blues and ontop of the no more smoking thing I also learned today that my ex-girlfriends mother died (just dont get why everyone Ive ever met have to go and die), my brother is getting on my nerves with his nagging (I share the apartment with him and a girl who never ever cleans or takes out the trash,) and im not sure how im going to afford rent, food or bills for the next year or how the hell im going to fix my grades (stupid university).

And by the way, still singel, and I still hate it... I need love =/


Monday, August 14, 2006 12:40 PM


Damn dude, thats alot of crap to figure out. Glad the vacation went well. Good luck on the smoking, (quitting is among the suckiest sucks that ever sucked).


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