
going away
Friday, June 11, 2004

im going away on sunday having only just come back from france and me and my friend were sat talking and watching firefly last night and we were saying how u can tell when ur obssed when u say things like gorram or ai ya or le su or ain't alot. does anyone else out there get funny looks for saying these thigns or for whistleing the firefly theme tune or for coming out with things like im fixing the bible in the middle of ur gcse re class lol please talk to me make me feel not alone. so going away again feel like i never stop it would be worth it if i had summer glau with me but that ain't ever gonna happen. can u believe that i misss meeting summer again coz lillybeth has to go on holiday n no one else will go with me it was gonna be my b day prezzie as well i think im gonna cry i had plans to take her two lil prezzies as well all planned out and what i was gonna say to her. but that all goes down the toilet when u get there the nervousness of it all kicks in and ur lucky if u can manage flib folb never mind hello lol. i think it would be easier if they weren;t so damn pritty and well my idoles lol its just i love her so much and look up to her and its really hard to say anything that makes sence around her and i feel that if i have to get through a day where i don't get to come home and look at the signed picture of her i'd explode but i just went a week and now i have to go 4 more days i don't know what i'll do to calm me down. its liek a blanket but i can't take it places with me it has to stay here and i'll miss it petty or what. i think im kind of scary. but it just makes me think of a time when i was happy i mean happiness don't come often but i stole mals saying really but instead of still flying i feel at the end of the day if you can look back and say well im still alive it could have been a worse day lol. so i've had my random babble now i shall leave and go away again best of luck to all


Monday, June 14, 2004 8:49 AM


Wow... that was uh.... coherant

No, I know what you mean concerning hellish days... Urgh, today we had two GCSEs and this will occur again on Tuesday, and on Wednesday. Woohoo what fun.

Sunday, June 13, 2004 5:19 PM



*beats his computer for not refreshing properly*

Sunday, June 13, 2004 5:18 PM


Punctuation? Please? For the children?

Sunday, June 13, 2004 5:15 PM


Punctuation? Please? For the children?

Friday, June 11, 2004 3:22 PM



(Sorry, you know me and the cheap puns!)

Friday, June 11, 2004 11:26 AM


Huzzah for the lord of babble!

Friday, June 11, 2004 9:01 AM


Ladies and Gentlemen...The Babble Champion!!!


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2004 June

2004 May