
Tuesday, August 1, 2006

Hey All

I got some big news involving the greatest rock band in the world. For months now, there's been speculation that The Rolling Stones themselves are going to be coming to my quaint, little hometown of Regina, Saskatchewan for the first time in their nearly 50 year history.

Now, for those Browncoats in Boston or New York or whatever city that they always go to whenever they tour, this may not seem like a big deal. But you have to understand. Even though the Maritimes may bitch about their current situation, the prairies (specifically Saskatchewan) is fairly low on the global cultural stage. So far, the only things we're known for is Leslie Nielsen and CORNER GAS. And when it comes to big musical acts that tour, for the most part they skip Saskatchewan completely, and if they do come to our rectangular province, they usually go up to Toon Town (that's Saskatoon for those who don't know prairie lingo).

Well, last week, the worst kept secret in Regina history was confirmed and tickets went on sale yesterday. They were saying that they'll sell out in two hours. Turned out to be twenty minutes. And I was saying to myself that I absolutely have to get tickets for this, because I'm such a big Stones fan and if I were to miss out on them coming to my hometown, I'll be forever kicking myself.

Well, even though I was working, my Mom (who I will be thanking endlessly) did the impossible and managed to get me a ticket to the biggest event Regina has ever seen, surpassing the two Grey Cups.


Also, on a few side notes, I spoke too soon about Unity. I only did the one week there before we were transferred to Moose Jaw, so now I'm driving back and forth between here and Prairie Oasis Motel last, this and next week. So I'll only be in Unity for my last two weeks. The bad news about that is that we've been asked to stop doing so much overtime, so I don't know how much of a pay cut I'll be getting. But with expenses, should be enough to get me past my financial goal for the beginning fo the school year. And harvest is coming up, so there's that to fall back on.

And I'm wondering if I should retire from the wedding videography business. See, I havn't done a wedding since October of last year, and I did one again last weekend. And the whole thing was a dream. The gal was the sweetest gal you'd ever meet and the groom for once wasn't a complete dick. And they actually toasted me in their thank yous to the crowd. They said that I record their memories. That, next to Don McKellar telling me that Quentin Tarantino is exactly like me, was one of the best compliments I've ever heard. So after I edit the footage together and give them the final product, I should quit on this perfect high note instead of being disenfranchised and burned by the experience.

Well, that's it for me now, folks. And on a side note, for those Stones fans out there, Chapter 8 of my epic series YOU CAN'T GO HOME AGAIN has River and her band playing "Honky Tonk Woman" and "Gimmee Shelter" to a newly disenfranchised generation. Would like a rock perspective on that, please.



Wednesday, August 2, 2006 8:39 PM


That's mighty cool, RR....definitely a life-changing moment:D



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