
Wednesday, June 14, 2006

Thats how much my car just cost me. OUCH! I drive a 1989 Toyota Turbo Supra. I LOVE that car. Not as much as my Mustang (wherever you are mommy loves you). But, I DO love it. I had better, she has cost me (or my parents - God Bless them)- $2400 in the last 4 months! But, I have 4 new tires, new front brakes and an aligned car. Balanced wheels. I also have gold plated spark plugs ( I sh&t you not!, when we got the bill for the tune up I said J&^us Ch*75t! Are they made of gold? and the man was like "um, yeah" LOL!) and new head gaskets. She should, Please God!, be good for another 100,000 miles.

Borrowed boy is well. We have spoken to him several times. He and #2 are planning extended "sleep overs". #1, #2 and borrowed girl are driving over on Sunday. Apparently the Dad has a car for borrowed girl, so she can see her brother and get her ride. I am very proud of #1. He worries so about #2 and always goes out of his way to ensure that #2 is ok with his life. #1 is a beautiful, brilliant boy (as is #2). They make me so proud.

We have had an eventful week. On Saturday #2, borrowed girl, other borrowed girl and myself cleaned condos. 23 condos! #2 and I personally cleaned 9 and then we helped with another 7. I type this with a cast on one hand (my joints are still swollen and we suspect a stress fracture in one wrist). Borrowed girl does this everyday now! No wonder she is always so freakin tired! May I please ask that you consider the housekeeping when you stay in hotels and such. Most of the rooms were quite reasonable. This one room has EVERY DISH in the entire condo in the sink, WITH food on and the sinks full of water. These sinks had no garbage disposal! These people did not do 1 dish the entire stay! And this was a family! It was really disgusting. Took 3 loads in the dishwasher as well as handwashing to clean them all. I am working 3 jobs now. No court date until 4 August. One hopes that the judge is a rational, sentient being. I am worried the ex-FMF will get away with no spousal support. I don;t believe that one should automatically get alimony, but when one has been married almost 20 years and ones spouse (though mutual agreement) stays home with the kids most of that time and has no retirement fund - I think there is a certain responsibility to that spouse. Lets hope the judge agrees, cause I can't keep up the 3 job thing much longer.

Took borrowed girls cat in to get "fixed" and declawed. Yes, I know there are those out there that disagree with the procedure. If I had outdoor cats (and let me just say that I am not particularly a cat person - though we now have 3) I would never dream of it. But I live in the middle of town and outdoor cats become splat cats. I also have some very lovely furniture, made in Ireland, that I am very attached to. I can not replace them here and if I could it would run to the thousands (I bought them in the UK when I had a real job and made real money) So, declawed is were it is at.

I have not heard from Personals man. Or the other personals man. I must really be as boring as I think I am.

Could someone please go get Nathan for me?

Thanks to all who offer encouragement! Your thoughts mean a lot to me. It is nice to know that there is someone out there that gives a damn!


Monday, June 19, 2006 4:07 AM


You have a Toyota Turbo Supra? Sweet...that's a (emphasis here) nice car! But yeah...it's probably a mofo to maintain after awhile:(

And keep your chin up....you aren't boring or uninteresting. You are unique, talented and compassionate. There will be someone who will fill the void before Nathan comes to his senses;)

Oh...and the kitchen full of plates story? Gross but unsurprising sadly. I know I try to keep any messes that I might create while staying in a hotel or condo to a bare minimum, cuz even if the housekeeping staff is assigned individual floors....still a lot of room to clean:(


Wednesday, June 14, 2006 10:11 AM


Be glad you don't live further South. I have friends in Florida who refer to cats as "furry Gator happy meals".

Do you do housekeeping for a condo/hotel chain, or is it a self-run business? I know of people who clean for upscale families and make very good money just because they show up on time and make an effort to do a good job. Check into some of the gated communities in your area. They usually pay better than a hotel would for the same basic job.

Wednesday, June 14, 2006 5:14 AM


HUGS FMF- and I think it's just fine that you declawed. My two cats are and they are happy and fine. One was declawed because he's half feral and half bobcat so he a bit dangerous to other pets.
You hang in there! I am so impressed and amazed by your strength. When I was 6 weeks my biological father bailed and for 2 years my mom was in you situation and every day I am so greatful to have been raised by such an amazing mom who taugh me that her kids were worth everything to her. I know I have a ton of self confidence and a great life because my mom made me her priority and showed me each day how much she loved me and that's what you do. WAY TO GO you so totally rock!!!

Wednesday, June 14, 2006 3:11 AM


You know, FMF, even for as disillusioned as you sound right now, I think you have a lot to be proud of. It's too easy to throw a pity party and just give up, but you're plugging on.

I expect that you only feel like you're only doing what you have to do, but it's more than that. You're continuing to be a strong and caring mother to your children...and other's children as well. You're taking care of animals. You're working your arse off, even when you don't feel well. Most people wouldn't have the staying power to do what you've done and still have the strength to keep looking forward and knowing that it's going to turn out alright. You're special. You're good people, and I for one, although I'm positive that I'm not the only one, feel fortunate to be associated with you even if it is only through a common interest and a message board

And don't get too hung up about the personals stuff. You're attractive and you're plenty interesting. Maybe other people just haven't had the opportunity to see you like we do! Hell, if I weren't married, I know I would have at least come to see if there was a chance with ya. Hrm. Maybe I shouldn't have shared that... But anyway, don't fret over it. Taking care of your family AND YOURSELF is more important. The little stuff has a way of taking care of itself when everything else is in order




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