
I'm Baaaaack!
Sunday, June 4, 2006

I'm back, as you may have gathered, after a week on holiday (more or less- we were supposed to fly Friday night but didn't actually take off until sunday morning) It was great, and I have some sort of hint of a tan, which I can show off to my pasty friends tomorrow at school .
Couple o' stories to share...
Cycling up to the village one morning, when we met the lady who owns the place we stay in, she told us she was going to get the tractor, because their ram had hung itself (don't ask me how) so I just got this picture of it in my head of it hanging from a tree,in a noose, but whatever.
Waiting for the ferry on the way back, I was stood near some girls, must have been about 16 years old, and one of them went: I couldn't live here, look I' ve only been here a week and I already have man nails!!
Also, I rented Knight's Tale last knight (get it? oh, never mind...) and I think Alan Tudyk is great and incredibly sexy, but he can't do an English accent, bless 'im.


Sunday, June 4, 2006 10:11 AM


I have to agree with you on the picture of the hanging Ram. I know I shouldn't laugh bit it really appeals to my sense of humour!


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