
1 down, 5 to go >.<
Thursday, June 1, 2006

Cheers of joy today at 4pm!
My first 2nd year examination over, done with, gone and forgotten. 2 long weeks of stressful revision, 30 minutes of pre-exam panic ("oh my god, what was that guys name?" "what on earth is base-rate falacy?" "what exam is this?"), and half a box of anti-stress choc-chip-cookies and now I can forget everything I've revised. I kinda have to question the point of it all when, just like almost every other exam I've ever had, I just forget most of what I've learnt anyway. But hey, if its what they want, its what they'll get. And I have to say, it wasn't quite as bad as it could have been, and infinately better than I was expecting.

And now its the wrong side of 9pm, and the joy has faded and its hit me. I still have 5 more of the buggers to do. 5 more subjects to revise. 50(!) more topics. I've got a fun couple of weeks ahead, and I'm undoubtably going to be spending my birthday revising - assuming the world (or my head) doesn't implode (06/06/06) that day.

Anywho, 20% of the years exams down, only 11 more exams *ever* and I can look forward to the joys of working 9-5 7 days a week. I'm not entirely sure which life I prefer, but it can't be much worse than the constant stress I'm under now :D

Tonight, I rest, for tomorrow, and every day for the next 2 weeks, I go to war. War with the monster that is only known by the name "revision".


Thursday, June 1, 2006 6:14 PM


Hey hang in there. Just consider this a kudos and a we're all pulling for you


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2006 June

2006 May