
Naughty Intern
Friday, April 21, 2006

So here I am at my internship taking this opportunity to blog. I am a naughty intern. It sounds kinky, but its not. The truth is, next week is my last and I have run out of projects. Also, my boss isn't here today so I have no reason to even pretend to be busy. Basically, I've been job hunting and apartment hunting all morning.

I'm starting to get anxious as the big moving day approaches. What if I can't find any one to hang out with? Huh? I am a social person by nature. An extrovert. If I don't find a way in which to unfurl my social butterfly wings, they will wither and die.

I'll become one of those old woman that sits around watching tv and talking to her cat. Hey, wait a minute, I already do that :) 'Cept I'm not what one would consider old yet.

I'm sure all this worry is much ado about nothing, but I can't help it. I'm a bit of a spaz, actually.

So I'm trying to think of something firefly related to say just so you browcoats won't feel like you've read this blog for nothing. Unfortunately, I feel a little blocked right now, so let me leave you with one last thought. Its a little obvious, but nonetheless should be stated daily:

Nathan Fillion is a sexy beast.



Friday, April 21, 2006 4:01 PM


I'll be honest . . . I read your subject line and my mind went straight to the gutter.

Friday, April 21, 2006 3:43 PM


I hate moving, really. But you always have one thought to keep you warm...Nathan is a sexy beast!
But really, there are shiny people all over, ya just gotta find something to do that you like and the rest will come. Awwwwwwwww, I know, but gorramit, it's true.
Happy thoughts and warm feelings...

Friday, April 21, 2006 11:09 AM


I'd be you friend little one.
Moving is awsome! My favorite activity!
and yes Nathen and his nostrils are so very sexy!

Friday, April 21, 2006 6:09 AM


There are Browncoats everywhere, you could maybe socialise with some of them or... convert your own.

The point is... I'm sure you'll meet loads of great people no matter where you end up!

Also, crazy cat ladies must have more than 3 cats so I'd say you're safe!

Friday, April 21, 2006 5:28 AM


lol. Chosen, I'm sure you'll have no trouble making friends wherever you go! Hopefully, you'll be able to find a few browncoat functions to attend near you. Those are always fun!


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