
I got my Browncoat!!!!
Thursday, April 13, 2006

Just wanted to say thank you to FollowMal for making me official! It fits perfectly and that's hard to do because I am only slightly taller then a certain bounty hunters fire-obsessed midget.

Finally got to seein' Slither. I dug it. It was massivly gory (gorey? How do you spell that?) but Nathans reactions were spot on. Our other Firefly veteran, who's name escapes me now, was also very funny. I'll buy it, then again, I'll buy whatever I can with Nathan in it.

A fella at work has been borrwing my DVD box set one disc at a time, and had disc two for almost two weeks. I asked him on Tuesday if he had discs or excuses. He had neither. He wanted to keep it another day to watch them again. So cool! When he liked disc one, I told him it gets better from here. He said by Shindig he was hooked. OMR knocked him into our little moon filled with obsession and love. When he returned disc two on Wednesday, he asked for three right away. I was so excited he liked it. It's a good thing I'm not of a religion that wishes to convert people. I might be dangerous. Enough babble. I'm off. :0)


Friday, April 14, 2006 5:40 PM


No, it's not mean, just tell them that to see the rest they need to buy their own, you know support the cause. If they're a true browncoat they'd do it with a puffed up chest and happy smile. Just make sure they don't hurt you while waiting for it to come in the mail.

Thursday, April 13, 2006 8:38 PM


You realize of course, that with a little mercenary intent, people could be makin' some serious coin off the "lending" of their Firefly discs. Think about it. You give a potential victim Disc One, then wait til they've gotten "hooked" then dangle Disc two -- all shiny like aint it? Bet you'd just LOVE to see what's on this little baby, eh? -- in front of their frothing mouth and crazed eyes and ponder on the relative "value" of this next installment of their new addiction. Ain't I a meany?

Thursday, April 13, 2006 6:49 PM


wait, is this a metephorical browncoat? because now I feel all kinds of mighty stupied. I wish I could go see slither, but it's rated R and mormon's do go to rated R movies. BLAST!

Thursday, April 13, 2006 6:45 PM


brown coat, where do I get a brown coat *jealousy seeped from her every syllabol as she eyes almost midget's new coat enviously*

Thursday, April 13, 2006 6:43 PM


You're welcome and thank you for converting folks.


Thursday, April 13, 2006 4:43 PM


Good for you GirlAskew! ;)

You got your browncoat. You supported our Captain and enjoyed it. And you've got a convert.

Sound like things are shiny on your end.


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