
That Mysterious Maginificent Elixer Known As 'SABLE'
Saturday, March 25, 2006

1417 Hrs, 03/26/2006 - Supplemental to last blog entry [Discovered A New & An Old Verse]

"What is Sable?, if you don't mind me asking?"
- FollowMal

"By the way, I second FollowMal's question. What is Sable?"
- BSCPanthersfan

Ah, Sable - what is it? It is an elixer that marvels and tantalises the senses letting you know there are some real joys life. Mystical - why is it mystical you may ask? Well, simply put, Sable does more than just tantalise the taste buds. Its aroma and taste uplifts you and takes you to a place where you will experience unparalled joyful bliss that borders on spiritual. I'm only surprised that it wasn't invented by some monks hidden away in a monastry somewhere and.......Well I suppose that is enough of drivelling bable. Now I better get to and answer the question.

What is Sable? Sable is a liquer made and sold (cellar door sales only) by a local winnery we have here. They take aged Ruby Port blend it with Brandy, Spices and then add Swiss and German chocolate.It is absolutely Manificent?

Another elixer that has mystical and magical properties, which comes a close second to sable, is 'Amarula' produced only in South Africa. What is Amarula? Ah, well that explaination will have to wait for another entry. Can't go revealing all our secret elixers at once - lol.

Oh... and FollowMal, thanks for the encouragement in regards to quitting smoking. I'am feeling the pinch and would really like to have one - although I think my craving may be more psychological rather than physical. Such is life.


Sunday, March 26, 2006 6:59 AM


Just posting so I can find it later, but YUM! I vote the browncoats go on a roadtrip to a cellar door near you someday.

Sunday, March 26, 2006 5:07 AM


ooooh I've had Amarula... yummmmm

Sable sounds loverly as well... hmm tastey thoughts...

Stay strong with the not smoking! The 'coats will be your support structure! You can do it!

Saturday, March 25, 2006 7:15 PM


Ooooo chocolate and all that other stuff mixed together. Oh my. No wonder you have missed it.

Good luck not smoking still... just take a little Sable and it'll help, I'm sure!

Wow, just wow.

Saturday, March 25, 2006 6:44 PM


I thought you were talking about the female wrestler...:)

Saturday, March 25, 2006 6:27 PM


That sounds really good. I had guessed it was alcohol but that was about it.

That sounds like an excellent drink. And it has chocolate.


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