
Browncoats Unite!
Thursday, March 23, 2006

We may have another Browncoat in the making! One of my close friends came up during her vacation and is staying with me. She is sixteen and from PA so it is nice when I get to see her, me being up in VT. Anyway I have shared with her my love of Firefly for months now and finally she gets to see what I have been going on about. We started the DVDs earlier in the week and now we are up to Heart of Gold. When we finish the series I am putting in Serenity. Introducing the BD heroes to someone else is an honor and a priviledge and its fun too. Her fav characters are Kaylee, Simon and Wash. I can't wait to see her reaction to the movie (not to mention the sadness when Wash meets his untimely demise)
I was hoping she would see what I saw when I first met Serenity and her crew. There is a deep bond, a fight for freedom, family and survival and love that speaks through a battered Firefly class ship to the rest of us. Those that feel it, embrace it whole hearted are proud to wear that dusty brown coat.


Thursday, March 23, 2006 7:10 PM


Well said, had a kinda poetry to it.


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