
Bloggety Blog
Sunday, March 19, 2006

Okay, this Flog stuff is getting addicting ;p

Is it sick that I check check all these forums something like... 1,000 times a day? When I get up, when I get home from work, before I go to bed... Even the ones I lurk on, I'll head over and see that there hasn't been any activity in the past fives minutes, and still run through all the boards just to make sure I didn't miss anything ;p (Plus I've noticed I still have the very bad habit of taking too many breaks when I'm working on a project. Especially when most of it is done at the computer :)

Alright, the lunchbox thingy is actually going to get done. Even I'm getting sick of hearing about it ;p Actually, I'm looking at my first trial of it, and even with the myriad imperfections I think it's rather shiny. (No really shiny. Like when the light catches it and the metal underneath shines through. :)

FloralBunny gave me the final idea I needed to bring everything together with having the 'River in a Box' picture inside the box. ;p I can't believe I hadn't thought of that. I was going to put something in there, with Mal's love speech. But I was also trying to put something together for the back outside frame, so now I've killed two birds with one stone. I can put Mal's speech on the back and have River in a Box... in the box!

So yeah, I should get back to that, shouldn't I? Too much time "foruming" and gazing longingly at my Kaylee wallpaper. If anyone reads this, and knows of a trustworthy free place to share photos, I'd be quite appreciative, too. ;p I'll put a pic of the finished product up here, but don't want to spam the Blue Sun Room, so I'm looking for places that can host all the views along with source images so any interested parties can make their own once I know it works.

Alright, stay shiny people ;p



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