
thoughts on getting older, inspiration and gratitude
Thursday, March 9, 2006

When you turn 30, things seem pretty much set. It's not cool, like turning 17 and getting your driver's license, nor is it like turning 21 when it's ok to drink. When I turned 30 about 6 months ago, it was much more traumatizing, lonely, and final.

You name it: your flaws, routines, opinions, credit history, career, work habits, health, where you fit in in this world of ours - all of these have either already reared their ugly heads or have fully established themselves by 30. Your body starts to get all sorts of odd aches and pains for no good reason. You start losing the people you love from age, disease or sickness. Your friends start changing and somewhere along the way, you discover the embarrassing, crazy parents you once knew really weren't too crazy after all.

Let's face it. The world has a way of draining you and turning you into Yet Another Mindless Drone. People get bummed out, they doubt themselves, they feel lost and forget who they are, the things they were once capable of, and the good they can do. I should know - it's happened to me.

All of this may sound corny to whomever is reading this, but screw it. It's my blog and those sentimental enough to read this far probably have some idea what I'm talking about.

After watching Firefly and the BDM, I was inspired to draw and write again after giving it up for an engineering degree and a tech career. It's hard to believe I gave that up 13 years ago (!).

I also started to appreciate what I have around me on a different level. Getting older may suck, but it's got some positive attributes. I'm old enough to better appreciate the friends and family I have, yet I'm young enough to still have most of them around.

I'm not sure if anyone will ever read this, but whatever - I'm glad Joss Whedon had the stones to come forward and pour his heart and soul into Firefly and Serenity. Thank you. Your courage has paid off. You've truly done a great thing. I'm glad his people believed in it enough to make it happen and spread the good word (this includes the community here at Finally, to the crew of Serenity, great work. Many times, I could swear I was there with you on every job, aiming to misbehave.

That's about all I really wanted to say. Alright, I better call it a night if I want to hit the gym tommorrow..


Friday, March 10, 2006 7:25 AM


I'm glad you've started your art again. If I didn't already love FF/Serenity, I would love it for that alone. If you have art inside you, I don't care who you are or what you do, .et it out. It's a goodthing.
I'm only 21 so I can't sympathize much with the rest.

Friday, March 10, 2006 2:30 AM


Great post. Not yet 30 but know what you mean


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2006 March