
Worst Movie Sequel Ever!
Thursday, March 9, 2006

First of all I must thank all who commented on my last post. It makes me happy that there are so many good hearted people here.

So...I have a bad habit of wathcing movies from my library. Not really a bad habit, but one that makes me make less than smart choices due to the fact that my local library has FEW DVD's (really need to get my VCR working again).

So I watched The Pricess Diaries 2 the other night and I realized it must be damn hard for anyone to come up with original ideas these days. That movied sucked so hard I just know that the horses in it wished they had been in something else. Why does Hollywood take the time to make sequels like that, but when we have a great movie like Serentiy the chances of us getting a sequel are little to none. It just makes me want to scream.

I know that my brain has lost a few cells through suicide while watching that movie. But I now understand fully what Joss means by pacing. A movie needs to be properly paced and set up and this one was not. Cute, but only if you are a really young girl who likes princesses. ( I was rarely a girl when I was younger and I never wante d to be a princess. I always wanted to be the prince because he always got the shiny horse. Life is not fair.)

So for anyone who has read this whole thing, I apologize, but I just had to rant. That movie drove me nuts. I ended up rewatching Jaynestown just to purge my mind. Well, and to see Adam's wonderful chest. MMMMMM, Jayne hairyness......I'll be in my bunk.



Thursday, March 9, 2006 12:31 PM


Basically if you can market it to kids it's gonna make big bucks. Aparently every video game in the history of video games needs it's own full length god awfully expensive movie as well.
On the Adam baldwin chest hair note I hate chest hair on men except when it's in the 'verse. All my standards have changed.


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