
So ya, here I am...
Tuesday, February 28, 2006

Now I just want to start off, more for myself than for anyone reading this that I've never really been head o'er heels for something. People yes, certain foods (Banana shakes pop into mind), but never a movie or TV show.

A friend of mine a month or so ago handed me this DVD set and said something along the lines of here go watch this. I did.. though in all honesty it took me about a week to even take the first disc out. After all it was a Tv show. Something about futuristic cowboys and stuff.

So after I put the first disc in I watched serenity unfold, then the train job, and then bushwacked. I was hooked. Over the course of the next couple of days I devoured it. There was something about it that just grabbed me. The characters, the writing, and even the setting all just yanked at something. I don't know. I don't think I ever will.

Between the BDM, and BDS, I have tons of questions. I want more. More stories, more moments... just more. Granted there are the therories, and speculations. I just want more. So...ya, here I am. I found a plce in the verse where I can mingle with others of a similar sort.

Will I ever get more? It really dosn't matter I think. I'll gladly take it don't get me wrong. But I think in the end all that does matter is that I wanted more.

Radar out


Tuesday, February 28, 2006 11:36 AM


Welcome! Glad to meet ya. I didn't know anything about Firefly at first either. Well I did know that the trailer for a cool looking Sci-fi flick I saw once was for a movie based on this T.V. show. I was goner after the first episode. Anyway welcome you're gonna have so much fun in the 'verse. We all have faith that we will rise again but no word as of late.

Tuesday, February 28, 2006 11:09 AM


Right there with you... My advice: embrace the addiction! You're in good company.

Welcome, it's fun here. Pour yourself some mudder's milk and have a look around. And try some fanfic, it's not as scary as it sounds, really it's not.


Tuesday, February 28, 2006 11:08 AM


Welcome to our world!

So many others tell a errily similar story to yours. A lot of Browncoats never started out as Sci-fi fans and yet it had the same effect on them.

Always glad to have another!


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2006 February