
People are sick!
Sunday, February 12, 2006

People really are sick! Always talking about River in a bad way. :( Very upsetting. Gorammit, I wish they would show her some respect! No, this is not a very literate entry; but guess what? I'm not in the mood now. :(


Sunday, February 12, 2006 2:23 PM


e-mail is
aim is samtriggerhappy
msn exists, but i never use it

Sunday, February 12, 2006 12:35 PM


Mirmir, since Asa isnt responding to the messenger question, will you? Do you have AIM or anything like that? even just an email? SOME means of talking more about cuddly hug worlds! -giggle-

Sunday, February 12, 2006 12:05 PM


'tis indeed the shinaly cuddly world ^_^

Sunday, February 12, 2006 11:48 AM


*Drags Asarian and Miramel into the shiney cuddly world of many hugs.* My new best friends! ^___________^ <3

Sunday, February 12, 2006 11:45 AM


glad to have done some good, i think i needed this as much as you. it can get awefully lonely with all manor of weird-perversion and the like pouring in from all sides, its extremely nice to know that there are good folk bumbping around somewhere, with similar outlooks. just nice to know i'm not completely insane :P come join me in my hug world!


i'm off to my own shiny fiction for a while

Sunday, February 12, 2006 11:33 AM


Hey ShadowChild,

About you feeling needed, and the nicest person award, I really meant every bit of it. All I had to do, really, is realize what a wonderfully uplifting effect you had on me, within just such a short time, and we had ourselves a winner. :) So, don't turn this around, lol, and make it a sweet thing on my part to say, because you really did the helping here today. :) Period. If it comes this natural to you, though, and you've never heard it before, well, then your reality 'verse must be broken. :) In this 'verse, however, I would say you have a rare gift. Hold on to that!

And yes, ... LONG LIVE RIVER TAM! I don't think that is ever getting old. :)

Sunday, February 12, 2006 10:44 AM


My dear Asarian, you neednt worry bout seeming sane to me. People have questioned my sanity plenty of times. I dont of course...usually... I blame my lack of understandability on the fact that everyone else is closeminded and stupid. *nods* Which draws me to those who do understand all the more.
I feel so...needed. Not many would credit me with a nicest person award, that was just sweet of you. *hug!* Its so nice hearing I actually help people once in a while...LONG LIVE RIVER TAM!
I do plenty of dreaming and to spare! What else is there for people like us?

I was thinking...(something that usually leads to either headaches or shitty outlooks on life, this case being one of the latter) Did anyone else notice a LOT of similarities between the human race and Reavers? Sorry, just had to toss that out there...itd be sad to think people like River, or even us for that matter, have to live with...*shiver* them...

Mira, can I come to your hugworld? =)

Thats all for now.
Stay shiney and keep flyin!

Sunday, February 12, 2006 10:20 AM


Hi Miramel,

For someone who claims not to have anything new to say, really, I must say, I am very glad you said it anyway! :) I tend to get upset about this stuff, and cry (in a bad way). And then, like Book, I wonder whether I'm really on the right boat here. And then people like you an ShadowChild come along, and the whole 'verse makes sense again. So, never think you did not help. It meant a world to me.

Sunday, February 12, 2006 10:03 AM


gotta say, i completly agree with the both of you. she's basiclly the most genuinely beautiful person i've yet seen, but yeah, not really in a sexual way, and that pisses me off too when people do that. i find it's best to ignore everyone else and retreat into my own little world of hugs ;) anyone who doesn't daydream just a littel is gonna be overwhelmed w/ reality, and those of us who daydream all teh time? well, realitys overrated ;)
i guess i dont really have much new to say after all, you too have pretty much put words to my daily river-attitude.

Sunday, February 12, 2006 9:44 AM


You know, ShadowChild, I think I will just have to give you the nicest-person-I-have-seen-in-days award. :) You found me broken, and you really restored me fully; all in the course of minutes. :) I truly appreciate that so much! What kindness you possess! And you're a River nut to boot! :)

Yeah, we just wanna hug that 90 pound bundle of pure cuteness, don't we? :) lol. But, then again, River's hugs are totally awesome! The kind that make you never wanna let go any more. Oh, sigh; in case you see me stop writing, and my words are fading, then you'll know I got lost in the fictional character again. :)

As for letting go, I find that highly overrated. :) Only in our dreams can we be truly free, right? Consequently, I think about River a lot (I really do mean "almost always", but I wanna maintain a plausible decorum of sanity, lol). Seriously, though, if we cannot dream of Love, or aspire in our hearts for things we want, how barren would that leave the soul? I say, and take it quite literally, please: dream on, girl! River rocks!

Sunday, February 12, 2006 9:16 AM


I agree fully, and I too appreciate the honesty you show. Im a girl and Im in love with River lol! I could never see her going past a hug...ok...and or two... *blush* ^__^; I just wanna hug that little ball of kickasscuteness. Of course Im kicking myself for getting so in to a fictional character, the likes of whom will probably never exist in real life, least of all MY miserable life, but still...I cant...let it go...

Sunday, February 12, 2006 9:01 AM


You know, ShadowChild, I really appreciate your words and your honesty, here. And, just so you know, I got a hefty crush on River, too. I mean, who doesn't? You'd have to be from another planet. And not a day goes by that I do not plunge into those beautiful wide eyes, and get completely lost in them. I mean, I understand; really, I do; she's very beautiful.

But, you know, what I will tell you know, I cannot even tell you properly, because I do not even understand it properly myself. But, even though I find River so beautiful, it's still -- really weird -- not sexual for me. And that IS weird, considering I'm male, and us men are generally believed to think about sex once every 4 minutes or so. :) But there's just something about her that always holds me back from even going in that direction. I guess I find her so vulnerable; and I find this vulnerability itself an aspect of her personality I am so overwhelmingly drawn to, that it seems I am protective of her, even against my own thoughts, so to speak, lol. :) Yeah, never figured that part out exactly, until now. Thank you for helping me bring this to light. :)

Seriously, though, when people 'sexualize' River, they just really destroy the whole River character. River, and all her appeal, even her exceeding comeliness, really only works with the River we know, and the River I love.

Hope I didn't sound too incoherent here. Thank you, again.

Sunday, February 12, 2006 8:24 AM


I know what you mean hun. I wont try to deny crushing on the little nutcase, but when thinking along such lines one shouldnt just pretend that the other person has no say. Like I say, never without their permission. I dont think River is like that do you?


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