
That Gorram Music
Wednesday, February 8, 2006

Can't get enough of these soundtracks! Both of them really, I listen to the Firefly one mainly, but there's a number of tracks on the Serenity score that really move me, too. (Specifically, the Serenity theme, and right after that track is Going for a Ride... kind of a rambling catchy tune. And the end credits get me all teary.)

I've heard some bad reviews of the Serenity soundtrack from my fellow browncoats. Maybe it's just because with the exception of Bushwhacked, it was the movie that I saw first. It's alot more epic than the show of course, and it's not as specifically "Western", but some of those really do a great job of capturing the feel of the franchise. (Which is good I guess, considering that's what it's supposed to do. ;)

Firefly soundtrack is just on a constant loop in my bedroom right now for the past like 3 or 4 hours. I know there's nothing I need to say about that one. We all know. Other than the main theme of course, my current fave tracks are Big Bar Fight (I love the hook with the slide guitar towards the end, from when they're riding off on Serenity in the Train Job... wish they'd worked that in a few mores times in the series.) And of course River's Dance. That still gets me all choked up when I hear it.

I've stated this before, but I'm really not the sort to get all misty and blubbery at all. Firefly and Serenity both just have that effect on me, one of the main reasons I got hooked on it actually. I know I've read a good book if after I'm done I spend some time just sitting there. Same goes for this 'verse. Just listening to some of these songs though brings it all back again, though.

Was driving around town this morning, and had the Serenity soundtrack on. We got to near the end of it where it gets all sad... I near about had to pull over for a time, get my head on straight ;p

Anyways, needed a break. I'm trying to use Firefly as a bit of crutch, get me drawing again. Working on this one's taking forever, and I CAN'T get River to look quite right... (Luckily she's got a lot of hair to cover up the worst of it :)


Wednesday, February 15, 2006 2:27 AM


I've been searching CD stores for the soundtrack for weeks but I don't think it's even released in Australia yet, sigh.

Wednesday, February 8, 2006 9:00 AM


I LOVE the Firefly soundtrack! my only regret is that they didn't put "The Hero of Canton" on it! Good luck with River.

"Too much hair!" - River


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