
Today, we watch Out of Gas
Thursday, February 2, 2006

Well, the Friday Firefly lunchtime series at my place of work is going quite well. I started it to create buzz for the Serenity DVD release, and I think I sold a few copies through demonstration of Joss/BDH wonderful-ness.

I've made the series into quite a production, sending out emails on Monday previewing what's showing that week. I put in the episode description, quotes and a screenshot. Then on Friday morning I send out a reminder, with a different quote and screenshot. It's all about that advertising, dontcha know. I've been having a ton of fun with it, and enjoy talking to more people about FF.

We're up to OoG today, even though it's Thursday. We had to move since the conference room was needed for something work-related tomorrow. Sheesh. We have 10 regulars coming to the shows. That ratio isn't bad from a company of 50 souls. I make popcorn. We crack wise, no one wants me to skip the theme song segment, one fellow has a crush on Inara, the other Kaylee. We've started emailing each other silly FF related comments. It's been rewarding and contagious and, well, Firefly.

Also, it's a beautiful day today in Texas. There isn't a cloud in the sky, shirtsleeve weather, but with a fresh wind. My office is like Stonehenge -- during the winter solstice time, sun beams directly across my desk (in the summer, not so much).

On to Ariel, War Stories, and Trash, my favorite run of episodes. The best balm to the wound of no more FF (yet, anyway) is sharing it with friends. Yes?

Friday Update

Thanks for all the kind words and additional ideas, Capella, Averardas! Hello again, FollowMal. You helped me back when my dream to host FF was in the planning stages. Thank you again for the support and inspiration. You folks are great.

Here's the photo for the BDTY site to commemorate the group of us who enjoyed Firefly and Serenity.


Thursday, February 2, 2006 11:27 AM


Wow, that is cool. I wish I could do something like that. My company is quite cool and we used to do all kind of fun stuff. We always planned on watching movies on the beamer in the presentation room or to play LAN games in our seminar rooms, but then our company was taken over by a Japanese corporation. Now I start to feel like I work for Blue Sun Corp. more and more...

OoG is my favorite ep. Well, along with Serenity and Our Mrs. Reynolds, that is. War Stories is great, too. Isn't it mean? For some reason I always like it best when they get hurt real badly...

Thursday, February 2, 2006 10:57 AM


You so rock!

Thursday, February 2, 2006 8:09 AM


Oh, and excellent job too!

Thursday, February 2, 2006 8:09 AM


I envy it too. I show Firefly at work in our waiting area, but I usually only have a crowd of like 3 or 4. 10 would be so shiny! And what fun to email about it and talk about it before the showing and to get to really share it with folks, you are so lucky. Have fun!


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