
GIFT FOR NATHAN FILLION Total at $1150.00!! Yeah!
Wednesday, February 1, 2006

OVER $1150.00 donated in Nathan's Name!

Keep it coming the Community Food Bank was over joyed by the amount this project brought in and just as a little tidbit of information...

1150.00 dollars will purchase over 4600 bags of food for needy families.

Those of you who gave...BLESSINGS heaped upon you! If you gave anonymously please at least go to my LJ and leave an anonymous birthday greeting to add to the gift.


If you haven't given yet there is still time and I am just over joyed that we will be able to show Nathan how much he means to us and feed hungry families.

1150.00 dollars and over 4600 bags of much needed food! You guys rock!

As I mentioned above I am going to GRAND SLAM 2006 in March and when I go I would like to give Nathan Fillion a small token of our esteem.

I have made arrangements with a local food bank to accept donations in Nathan's name.

Please ask for the:

Director of Finance
and tell him you are giving in HONOR OF NATHAN FILLION.

Your donation will be private, but Ted will be keeping a running total for me so that we can give Nathan the amount when I present the gift.

Also, I will be setting up a page on The Special Hell with this information and an e-mail address where you can send your birthday wishes for Nathan.

If you give please include a reference # from:

Community Food Bank
210 N. Thorne
Fresno, CA 93706
Phone: 559.237.3663
Fax: 559-237-2527

Web Site: http://www.communityfoodbank.net

in your e-mail. I will be printing them out and including them with his Card and donation notice.

So, remember it is coming up fast and we want to show Nathan he is appreciated. Donate as soon as you can.

If money isn't a viable way to give donate time at your local food bank in his honor and let me know about it as I am sure he would appreciate that far more than money anyway.

When you give you will receive a letter in the mail to be used as a receipt and for tax purposes.




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