
Wash, in the Present Tense
Saturday, January 28, 2006

For some reason, every time I try to write Wash lately, he insists on being present tense. If I were better schooled in the way of psychiatrics, I would probably say this stems from my deep-seated desire for him to NOT BE FUCKING DEAD, JOSS, KTHXBAI.

Whatever the reason, it's seriously messing with the next chapter of How I Soar, (which is decidedly in the past tense,) and the aside I've been writing (the missing shower scene, for those following the series, which should also be past tense in order to *fit* with the rest of the series.)

I wrote a Wash/Zoe today that somewhat sated my desire to write Wash present tense, but I can't promise it'll hold me indefinitely. Not that anyone who reads my fiction will complain too loudly if I have to spout off a few random ficlets to help me deal, right?


Saturday, January 28, 2006 5:23 PM


If ficlets want to be in the present tense, they're in the present tense. More than one way to observe a scene, after all.

A series? Eh. You could go back and fix the grammar, or if the present tense works well for what you're putting in the part, why not keep it?

Saturday, January 28, 2006 2:58 PM


I tried that. It ruins the flow of the story. Present tense lends an air of immediacy that just gets mangled when you try to change tenses.


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