
Why the disparity in ranking on my new fic?
Wednesday, January 25, 2006

Today, I posted the first two chapters of my new multi-chapter fanfic "Family," and I'm wondering something. Chapter 1, which is pretty much all sex, has a ranking of 7; and Chapter 2, which admittedly starts the plot, has a ranking of 9. Why the difference? Is it because of the sex/not much plot vs conversation/plot beginning aspect. Is it something different. Or is it nothing at all--just me being a worrier? I am curious, and would appreciate any responses, as that will help me in writing future fics. Thanks!


Thursday, January 26, 2006 3:52 AM


Thanks for the input. I do appreciate it.

I don't know that I agree that people are getting tired of smut. That chapter has been read as many, or more, times as the second one--even with the "Adult Only" slash warning. But I will concede that the readers may not like the way I write it, and that's fine.

Ah well, I have one upcoming chapter that's pretty much sex, but after that it's all implied. Guess I won't worry overly much about the rankings.

Thanks, again.

Thursday, January 26, 2006 12:35 AM


I htink people aregettin tired of smut...

I mean I would much rather have implied sex than discriptive narritive. Its kinda like this a woman is more sexy wearin a full length fur coat and nuthin else...

and it helps to know what your talkin about too...


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