
Parental Advisory
Tuesday, January 17, 2006

So I got my lovely region 1 version of the Serenity DVD on Saturday, which I can only watch on my apple and the resolution isn’t great, but its better than nothing until the UK version comes out … Anyhoo, I finally convinced my father to watch it last night (he has steadfastly refused to watch Firefly)…

It was odd – I was on the edge of my seat watching for his reaction – no laughs, not even a grunt … thought he might not like it, but then, he went to get a drink and asked me to pause it – surely indicating he was interested …. He’s a tough cookie – first laugh didn’t come until the “Hell, I mean to live” Kaylee comment – but it was a guffaw ….

When Mal did his beautiful “love keeps her in the air” speech he muttered “what is this crap?”, but then – oh the laughter at the last line!! To sum up, I think he liked it …

And my mother? Well, she was in and out, being known not to like “sci-fi” and coming in with lines like “what’s happened to the little girl? (River was tied up at that point) Is she dead?” My answer of “no, she’s a subliminally triggered mentally ill weapon” just seemed to confuse her…

But she had an interesting take on Wash’s death (which I didn’t see as I was hiding in the kitchen). “But he’s the poet! The sensitive one. He’s the Wilfred Owen. He has to die!” she said. I see her point. It makes the death all the more poignant and sorrowful (cathartic even) because he isn’t bellicose or gung-ho, he’s just Wash …


Tuesday, January 17, 2006 9:19 AM


Sometimes it's hard to share things you really care about with your family. Well, certain families, I guess.

I'm proud that you had the courage to show it to your folks. I keep toying with the idea of showing my father, but I don't want to set myself up for criticism. He's an aviation engineer, and get's bogged down in the science of everything. I doubt I could get him to relax enough to just enjoy the story. My step mom, on the other hand, would probably like it. Someday, perhaps I will.

I love your explanation of River to your mom. Firefly/Serenity is just hard to sum up, isn't it?


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