
Saturday, December 31, 2005

Hello everyone!! :)

My name is Steven, and I wanted to say hello to everyone here! I just joined today. I wanted to say a few things that you all have probably read a few times -

- I love the Firefly 'verse, SO MUCH. It has a place in my heart, and it always will. And sadly we only have 15 episodes if you count the film as well. I own the season on DVD and the movie as well.

- I currently cannot get enough of Firefly, despite having seen everything there is to see. I am now buying the Comic books (What few there are) and will be buying the novels as they release. Call me a devoted fan.

I want to thank Joss Whedon for making this world and giving it to us to fall in love with. Thank you Joss, keep up the great work. I'll always be a huge fan.

And I would like to say thanks to all of you fans/browncoats! If it wasn't for you the film would not have happened.

A little about me, I am 20 years old and am currently enrolled in college trying to attain a major in English and a minor in writing.

And I think Nathan Fillion is cute.
So you might hear me proclaiming my fascination for him more than once.

Nice to meet you all!!



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2005 December