
Ship Realtions
Thursday, December 15, 2005

So I have been reading plenty of fanfic lately, and on a side note we have some really great writers on here. I see that lots of people write Jayne and Kaylee together, and I understand that everybody has there own opinion I just have the hardest time seeing Jayne and Kaylee together. Jayne isn't polite and/or nice, but he is a good man still. I just can't picture him with someone so happy and optimistic. Of course Jayne loves Kaylee but I never thought of him being in love with Kaylee.

I think that if Jayne fell in love it would be reluctantly and maybe even with some resentment for the person who turned him into a softy. I always kind of pictured River and Jayne together. I know, age difference and crazy girl but hear me out.

I don't think of River and Jayne as a sexual relationship because Mal would Airlock him, Zoë might shoot off his manhood and with skilled swords"wo"man Inara, everyone aboard the ship would have to argue about who got to kill him and how. I think of their relationship more like the one in "The Professional". In love but that’s all in love no sex no touching really just the need to protect and flat understanding of things without ever talking about them. If you haven't seen "The Professional" then this makes no sense and it does make more sense if you see the lengthen version.

And remember I am not a writer this just what I thought while sitting at my desk at 1:00p.m. without phones ringing and everyone gone from the office I have nothing but to do but speculate.

What do you think? River/Jayne, Kaylee/Jayne, Simon /Kaylee, or what?


Friday, December 16, 2005 2:51 PM


This is one of the fascinating things I find about Firefly, is the range of relationships available on the show, that can appeal to the wide range of fans that watch it... take most other shows, and you have one main pairing to focus on, either already established, or in angsty UST phase.... Firefly has, at the least, three immediate and distinct 'ships, the established Zoe/Wash relationship that lets us see a realistic, working relationship that has it's up's and downs and all.... the rapidly approaching Kaylee / Simon relationship, in which it is openly apparent that interest, at least on Kaylee's part, exists, and then the Mal / Inara UST, in which both deny the relationship though their fans feel in their hearts its inevitable they come together....
I'm curious to know which 'ships appeal to what age groups of fans... I suspect (though this is just conjecture) that the younger audience most identifies with Kaylee and Simon, and thus, finds them their favourite, most interesting pairing (of cannon I'm talking), whereas older married viewers may recognize the loving relationship that Wash and Zoe have, and then the hopeless romantics of all ages yearn for Mal and Inara to admit their feelings and get together...
Then, on top of all this, you have the various non cannon pairings, which would diverge into an even greater demographic... I'm just curious about that.. maybe this doesn't quite fit in with this discussion, sorry, but it made me think on this again (i've been thinking about it for a while now) so thought i'd go on about it... obviously.. now that I've taken up tons of your space, I'll try to get my head back to writing... sorry, I'm sick, and I tend to wander when I am... damn, hope this was somewhat coherent...

Friday, December 16, 2005 10:40 AM


As I said in one of the treads regarding this (interesting) topic the only non canon ship I really would like to see is Book/Inara.

But frankly: Why not showing a love triangle of some sort? Inara/Mal/Book or Jayne/Zoe/Wash could be very entertaining with lots of love, jealousy and funny lines. Or maybe I am just crazy... ;-)

Thursday, December 15, 2005 3:05 PM


Yeah, Jaylee just doesn't do it for me, although there are some great fics out there with that relationship. I'm glad you referenced The Professional, it's one of my favorite movies! I'd have to agree with you there. Rayne and Mal/River relationships to me seem like a Leon and Mathilda. But I'm also a fan of both of those relationships, and don't mind it much if it goes beyond platonic.

Thursday, December 15, 2005 3:05 PM


Yeah, Jaylee just doesn't do it for me, although there are some great fics out there with that relationship. I'm glad you referenced The Professional, it's one of my favorite movies! I'd have to agree with you there. Rayne and Mal/River relationships to me seem like a Leon and Mathilda. But I'm also a fan of both of those relationships, and don't mind it much if it goes beyond platonic.

Thursday, December 15, 2005 12:12 PM


Well, you just knew I was gonna put my two (hundred) cents in here.


I always figured there was something to the Jayne/Kaylee relationship. Which you may have figured from all the Jaylee fic I write.

I'm not against Jayne/River or, well, Jayne/anyone fic for that matter, he really is quite a busy boy if you read all the fanfic.

Jayne and Kaylee really are quite similar in attitudes, background, beliefs, etc. They pretty simple in their tastes and the way they see life.

I've always felt that there's been something to their relationship dynamic.

Of all the people on board, Jayne has affection for Kaylee and few others. He hides it well, but he is insanely jealous and goes around pulling Simon's hair on ship every time Kaylee tries to flirt with him (check it out, it's canon, he's always meaner to Simon after Kaylee's been nicer to him). And he lets his guard down only when Kaylee is hurt ('Serenity') or threatened ('Serenity', 'The Message').

Kaylee, while flirting with Simon, often gets frustrated 'cause he's so complicated. Simon just doesn't understand her (this is also canon). When she's threatened (see above listings) she turns to Jayne and when he's injured, she's the one standing next to him.

They share affection and if any two people on board have a cavalier, no strings attached view about sex, it's those two. It's highly unlikely they haven't at least *thought* about it.

And I'll stop turning your blog into a Jaylee rant (sorry!), right about....


Thursday, December 15, 2005 10:09 AM


I agree. While I think it's an interesting ship, I can't really picture the Jaylee relationship. But I've read some and they're really good!

But for me, the obvious ones: Kaylee/Simon (destined to be together, I tell you! ) Mal/Inara, Zoe/Wash (duh, they're married!). But one non-canon ship I like would have to be River/Jayne.


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