
You learn something new everyday
Tuesday, November 29, 2005

I just found out that one of the TA's for my animal bio class is a browncoat :) We were working in the computer lab today, using excel to analyze the data for this god awful fish experiment we've been doing all term, and she was helping me out with some of the calculations on my laptop. When I started closing everthing up, she noticed my serenity wallpaper. We got into this long conversation about the fabulousness of all things Joss, it was fun.I just though that was cool. Also, on a completely different note, I have only 2 weeks left in this term, then the freedom of winter break. And you all know what that means: Non-stop FF and Serenity for 2 and a half weeks. HAHAHAHAHAHAHA! Mine is an evil laugh!


Thursday, December 8, 2005 11:22 PM


I remember when I was about... 13, when StarCraft first came out. I came to my science class and my science teacher, Ms. Fong, overheard a friend of mine and myself talking about the game. Turned out, I actually played her the previous night and she mopped the floor with my face. That was pretty... odd.

Tuesday, November 29, 2005 3:37 PM


Oh, now that's cool. I wish someone wouold comment me on my Serenity obsession....*grin* No fair! I have three and half--or so. Either way, we don't get off till the 23rd! Isn't that cruel?


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