
I Had A Good Day....
Friday, November 18, 2005

I did indeed have a good day. Went to Joplin in search of comics... they were all sold out, but Nathan ( the comic guy) promised to call me when they are in. He's a Firefly fan too, is waiting for comics himself! I thought "Nathan" was good karma too, :)

I have made a decision to redo my bedroom and office with Chinese and Japanese prints, hangings, etc. respectively. To get started today I found a wooden flat dish with Chinese characters ( wish I knew what they said!) and a lamp and I have to go tomorrow to a store downtown that has a wall hanging I want.

I also found a great leather and chain necklace.... made of brown leather and chinese characters on... I think they are coins. I love it!!

Had lunch with my daughter, we discussed Serenity and how much we love the movie and the show. She is a slightly less obsessed fan than me, but I had a blast talking about it with her. She likes Jayne and his hat. :)

My Mom called from Cali and said she and my other daughter had found me a "surprise" in Cali while shopping.... woo hoo, I'm sure it's Firefly related, they all know how much I'm into this stuff. I'll get it Sunday... can't wait! And also I'm looking forward to my Mom being home, I miss her.

I hope it's me next time who gets to go visit... I miss my oldest daughter.

Well... on that note I'll end this good day and hope that tomorrow is just as good!

Hey, I got the new "People: Sexiest Man Alive" magazine... how come Cap'n Tightpants isn't on the cover of that thing?!! He's not even inside of it... how could they do such a thing?!


Saturday, November 19, 2005 4:31 AM


wow! you know what you're daughter would just love for christmas? a jayne hat! there are several top quality sites online if you're interested, or you could go to the pattern site if you want. either way i'm sure it would make her day!


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