
Of Assignments and Uru
Wednesday, March 10, 2004

Id like to start off by giving a big thank you to everyone who passed along advice and kind words after the incident I had a few days ago. It has been taken care of and I'll leave it at that.

In other better news (depending on how you want to look at it.) I got the assignments back from my teaching gig. And well, (nervous laughter)... Yeah. A good deal of them were good and original and all but Im not quite registering how a lot of these people got into a second and third year creative writing class.Mostly because those that werent pretty good were written by people with apparently no grasp of the english language whatsoever. I shouldnt say things like that though, its "mean" .

Finally I come to the best news since the announcment of Serenity: The anouncment of a free downloadable expansion pack for Uru: Ages Beyond Myst. Dont care? Well I do and Im excited about it, ha ha. And here I was worried that they were going to terminate the project after the online portion got canceled.

That be all for today. Thanks again and, good day.


Thursday, March 11, 2004 2:11 AM


damn, italics still arent working right, what am I doing wrong...

Thursday, March 11, 2004 2:11 AM


Well if Ive got a right to vent then:

Most notable among my entries was a peice called "The Giant Monster of the Dead Sea." It was a page long (requirement was two min'). triple spaced (requirement was two), and was in size 13 font (requirement was twelve max'). It was so bad I read it multiple times and unfortunately commited it to memory. This has only recently been rectified by repeated listenings of the Myst 3 soundtrack (wonderfull cure-all if youve got something annoying playing through your head that you need washed out). A basic summary follows: It was four paragraphs long. The first was about how great a place the dead sea was, it read like she had copied a travel guide. The second paragraph was about a monster that lived in the dead sea that was "like the thing that tried to eat Princess Andromeda in Clash of the Titans," This creature was created by radiation that was apparently just magically there and nobody knew about it. Then BAM, paragraph three rolled around and just like the magicly appearing radiation, a massive government funded scientific team is after the monster that nobody knew about five seconds ago.

The fourth paragraph was about James. Id like to add special emphasis to this paragraph because James does not have any relevence to the story AT ALL. He is not mentioned anywhere else AT ALL, he dosent know about the monster AT ALL, and he dosent have anything to do with the scientific expedition that disapeared just as quickly as it did. AT ALL.

It was spelled horribly and the grammer was atrocious. Worse still, she volunteered to read hers aloud the day I returned them.

She was barely literate. She stuttered horibly over words she had written herself less than two days before, not because of a speech impediment but because she just couldnt read well. I exchanged knowing looks with some of the students.

This strikes me as extremely sad, not because I was subjected to it (because that is sad no matter how you look at it) but because this person is a frelling HIGH-SCHOOL SENIOR! IN AN ADVANCED CREATIVE WRITING CLASS! I just dont understand it.

That is all.

Wednesday, March 10, 2004 1:18 PM


Unless you count "The Adventures of Jeremy" creative writing. Then maybe I could write.

Wednesday, March 10, 2004 1:18 PM


At least I'm not in your class...can't write to save my life...

Well, saying "mean" things when they're true isn't necessarily "mean". It's cold, hard reality at that point. But my views can be "pessimistic". I believe it depends on the situation...


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