
i do not get it
Thursday, November 17, 2005

just a rant, you've been warned.

so, apparently harry potter comes out today, or tomarrow, or somthing. judging by the way people were dressed at school today. made me a mite upset, actually; i like the books just fine, but so far the movies have been pretty bad, i thought (no offenese to anyone who liked them), and my understanding was that most people agreed. certainly most people at my highschool do. so: another movie, and no reason to think it'll be better then the others, and plenty of reason to think it'll be worse (longer book by several hundred pages, SLIGHTLY longer movie. do the math). i have nothing against harry potter, and hey, if people want to dress up for th movie and such, whatever, thats their affair. most of 'em are normies anyway. what ticked me off is this: school of about 2000 people, im guessing about 100-200 of them were dressed up. so: WHY ARE THEY NOT BROWNCOATS!?!?!?!?!?!? i just dont GET it, they KNOW that hp4 isn't gonna be great, but serenity, even if they hadn't heard anything good, or didnt trust what they heard, it was still a toss-up, rather then hp which is bound to be a let-down. so why did they not all go see serenity? (granted, some of them may not have know anything about it, other then what they read off my t-shirt) BUT EVEN SO! it just doesn't add up.
k, im done ranting now.


Thursday, November 17, 2005 4:26 PM


ooo, good call, i'll do that :p


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