
Class Time
Tuesday, March 9, 2004

Hey! I've been asked to teach a class! Exciting, yes very! Here's the catch, it's suppose to be a cooking class at our local co-op grocery store. Think small, don't think Whole Foods or Wild Oats size. They used to have a small cafe but almost went bankrupt trying to operate it. As a result they sold off all of their equipment, including the stove. That's right, come teach a class but we don't have a way for you to actually apply heat to the food. Isn't it Alton Brown who says, "Food + heat = cooking?"

That being said, I'd still like to figure out a way to do something. If it weren't for this co-op there would be no place to buy certain standard ingredients. We have an Albertson's and a Wal-Mart (but I detest them and try not to shop there.) In the last couple of years two major grocery stores have left our town.

So far I'm thinking maybe a cold appetizer class or a class on salads. You know, mix your greens, vary your dressing, add a cold protein, that sort of thing.

Alright, I've got bread dough that has to go to the next stage. More latter.

Be well!

I'm not even suppose to be here today!


Wednesday, March 10, 2004 6:26 AM


Yummm.....noodles and sesame dressing...

Wednesday, March 10, 2004 1:46 AM


Wow, and I thought my teaching assignment sounded hard. Good Luck!

Tuesday, March 9, 2004 2:59 PM

SHINY heat? How about Cold Japanese Soba Noodles with cucumber strips and a sesame oil dressing?


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