
Movie Related Wishlist
Sunday, March 7, 2004

As with many movies, especially sci-fi ones, we could have pc and platform games, comic book adaptations, tech manuals, board games, action figures etc, etc. What would be the top five all time wants for all you Browncoats out there?


Tuesday, March 9, 2004 4:17 AM


Yeah, but if they did do a fan-run site who would visit it?? No one that would be funny and or witty and you would probably never see anyone from the movie write on it much less lurk around....I mean that's just mad I tell you...:)

Tuesday, March 9, 2004 2:58 AM


Its own fan-run site...oh, wait...

Monday, March 8, 2004 11:35 AM


Actually, Invisible War was conceived as a PC game but developed for the X-box when that came out. Ion Storm realized they could not exclusively do this however and ported over their work from the X-box game which is why its kind of dumbed down and the graphics arent terribly diverse.

Sorry to get off topic. Id actually like them to manufacture a Browncoat too. Unfortunately for them I wont be buying it as mine arives in a few weeks. Ha ha! Mine is a triumphant laugh!

Monday, March 8, 2004 10:56 AM


personally, i hope they DON'T make a video game, for computers, macs, or platforms. but if they do make one, i'll probably get it and love it, anyways.

all i really hope is that the TV series comes back after the movie.

and Teela's idea of a bible as corrected by River, that reminds me of some of the cute little spin-off books they put out for Harry Potter fans. there's a text book (or two) that's supposedly edited with notes by Harry and Ron. it's really quite a nice little piece.

oh, and i suppose i'd like my very own Mal to take home, but i imagine the costs would make it a little difficult. and the whole cloning issue would bog things down too...

Monday, March 8, 2004 6:28 AM


A TV spin-off and Jayne Hats. Thats all I'd need to keep me happy.

Monday, March 8, 2004 4:32 AM


Just FYI, Deus Ex 2: Invisible War was not Xbox only. It came out on the PC.

Monday, March 8, 2004 3:04 AM


Somewhere around here is a merchandise thread. I'll have to find it.

I'd like a good Mac game

Action Figures (Vera must be in there!)

TV spin-off

A Task-based RPG

A browncoat

Jayne's hat from The Message

River's outfit from Safe

Kaylee's poofy dress from Shindig

And, I suppose Kaylee's jumpsuit, but I already have one of those

Any of Inara's dersses

Good Books, especially a Bible corrected by River

Comic Books by Studio Foglio

Someone from the thread said "Mal Fries" to which I replied wouldn't it be "Kaylee Fryes"?


Badges/Buttons (think Campaign. I'm actually making some of them)

That's about all for now. Have fun!

Monday, March 8, 2004 2:20 AM


That first one was me by the way.


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