
Random First Blog Entry
Sunday, March 7, 2004

I don't know why, I just thought I'd try out blogging here for a change. I have an LJ account as well as my deviantart account blog here:

Things here are going well, I guess. Still no work to be found for a creative individual such as myself.

Just made it through the DVDs for the second time last night, and I keep thinking to myself "This is such a desert island item--one I'll never sell."

I say that, because in order to get by since my graduation/unemployment ended I've been selling off most of the stuff I own on ebay and the like here:

But I stay positive. I have my music and web boards to keep engaged in activities. This week I filed papers to start my own company doing multimedia consulting. I should be hearing back in a week or two. I used to do soundtracking and video editing for streaming at one of those dot coms that (finally just) went bust. It taught me a lot. If any one is curious and would like to hear some (free) good music that I've done, please check out my personal page (and click on "Disco" and the Pi symbol:

I know, I know, I'm just tossing links out like a fool, but this is just my nervous effort to introduce myself on the broader site.

Lately I've been dickering with an old short story I wrote, thinking I can turn it into a novel. The characters are there, waiting to be developed by me. In addition to that, I've got a script for a short film I could shoot on my hi-8 and edit on my PC. Don't think any one would want to see my ugly mug act though. I don't even know if I can. Granted, the role is for myself. But hey.

OK. Well I'm off to catch a nap before I head out to provide livery services for the family. Have a good one.


Monday, March 8, 2004 2:32 PM


Welcome, DJKillj0y! If you've got lots of free time on your hands right now, why not spread the joy of Firefly to all of your friends and acquaintances?


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2004 March