
Whisky Bears... the sequel
Tuesday, November 1, 2005

Okay, so people asked and my brain finally caved in (there must have been too much snow on the roof...).

Are you all happy? There's a sequel in the works. A naughty, naughty sequel.

But a tease, for those who care...


“Hey sweetie.”

Oh, gorram, when did Inara’s voice get so loud? It sounds almost as if she’s tryin’ to be all nice and sympathetic, but Kaylee just can’t stop the pounding in her head and it all comes back to her how and why she fell asleep in the hammock with Jayne.

“Mornin’, little Kaylee!” Oh, for the love of… Mal’s hand slaps her hard on her shoulder and she has to close her eyes to stop her tummy lurchin’ like the ship lost the grav cycle. “How you feeling today?”

“I…” Stop being so gorram cheerful you hundan mother of a jumped up… “… I’m just shiny Captain.”

“Mal.” She hears Inara chide and wants to say thanks for it, but she’s having enough trouble finding the kettle. “Leave the poor girl alone.”

“What?” His innocent voice ain’t fooling anyone, least of all Kaylee. “I was just havin’ some fun. Oh, wait no… that’s right, there’s no fun on this ship is there, Kaylee?”


She peers at him across the kitchen as Zoe walks in and she hears the distinct chuckle of Wash hiding behind his wife.

“Don’t listen to him, Kaylee.” Zoe, at least, sounds just normal.

She takes the cup in her hand, it’s all warm and she thinks maybe her hands got frozen or some such, ‘cause the heat just feels too good against her skin, she wants to crawl inside the mug and stay there all morning. Somehow, and she’s not sure exactly how, she makes it to the table.

“Wash.” Mal warns, voice too deep to be serious. “Stop laughing, you heard, there’s no fun on my ship.”

Something about that makes Kaylee frown as she leans over the steaming mug.

“Stop it.” Inara tries again. “Can you try and be a little bit sympathetic, please?”

Wash keeps chuckling and Kaylee thinks maybe she even hears Zoe stifle a giggle or two.

“All the fun’s locked up with my nethers, ain’t it, Kaylee?” He smiles widely at her and she blinks a little. “No one gets any ‘til I do, hey?”

Oh, go se.

Kaylee lets her head drop and hit the table with a thud.



Tuesday, November 1, 2005 9:15 PM


Oh God I can't wait. I read this whole part with a big stupid grin on my face.

You should do Whiskey Bears fics as a full-time job.


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