
Found me a job!
Friday, October 7, 2005

Some of you will remember that last month I moved from Indiana to South Carolina to be closer to my son. I quit my job (obviously!), and didn't have a new one lined up. I'm not wealthy, and I was starting to worry about money. As it is, I'm having to sell the stock I had in my old company for rent money.
A little over two weeks after my arrival I signed with a temp agency because they had a job they thought I would be perfect for. This past Tuesday I interviewed with the plant manager, and a day later I was offered the job. I start Monday!
I'm going to be working in, and eventually running, the shipping department for a brass forging plant in the Midlands/Upstate area. Lots of Inventory work involved, which is my specialty. And the plant is only half an hour from the town my son lives in. I'm really thinking this could work out well. Of course, for 90 days I'm working for and being paid by the temp agency, making 2/3 of what I was making in Indiana, but I can survive on that for a while.
It's not job-related, but there is a problem, however. My father is a minister, and an elder in our church. We did a search before I left, and there are no Mennonite churches in the entire STATE of South Carolina! I'm by no means an evangelical, and some would probably call me a heretic, but not going to church isn't an option for me anymore. I'll just have to start looking...


Saturday, October 8, 2005 8:31 AM


Congrats on your job! I know it doesn't help much,cuz it's in TX, but theres a mennonite bunch just north of my place, nicest folk. It was great meeting you! Yikes! video? lol!

Saturday, October 8, 2005 7:41 AM


Wonderful news on the job front.

If there is video of that bunch doing anything, I want to see it!

Saturday, October 8, 2005 1:41 AM


Hey! Congratulations!! I'm glad to hear things are working out for you. I hope you love the new job.

I'm sorry about the lack of Mennonite churches, this is a problem in the Baptist Belt. (Not that being Baptist is a problem, it's just hard if you're NOT Baptist, oh, you know what I mean!)

You're more than welcome to join me at my church any Sunday. I attend the only Lutheran church in Aiken.

And it was fantastic to meet you and your son!

Though, do I really want to see this video? *tries to remember if she did or said anything embarrasing*

Friday, October 7, 2005 11:08 PM


Congratulations. It was great to see you at the NC shindig. Were you the one taking video there? There were a lot of people but I seem to remember you with your vid camera. Anyway, I just wanted to wish you Good Luck with the new job.


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